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For the next month or so, I've been going on many dates with Kyle. Or should I say my boyfriend.

It feels really odd saying that since, okay, I never dated anyone. Kyle had told me he had a lot of girlfriends in the past and said I was the first male he dated after just finding out about being bisexual. No wonder why he was at the club. He seemed a bit out of place.

Other than Kyle, my fucking dork of a friend kept smiling as I told him everything. And I mean everything; that including what happened that day and /that/ specific heated day.

Now it's December. Me and Kyle are planning on going on a trip during the break. He suggested Hawaii, or France, or you know just something romantic. That's when I had an idea. I brought up Japan and almost immediately as the name of that place slip out, he yelled yes!

Of course I'm going to spend some time with Chris. It would make me an asshole if I ditch my best friend for my boyfriend, wouldn't it? That's why for the second week Chris is staying over at my place for 7 whole days. May seem nothing but I'm quite excited. A new series we had been waiting for is coming out on Monday of that week so we're fucking psyched.


I didn't want to go back to school after the weekend. I mean, who is ever excited to sit your ass in different classes, taking notes and all those boring shit? Yeah, no one.

And that's not why I'm pissed off. I was going to see him again, for fuck's sake. Phil. Even just thinking about his name makes me throw up in my mouth and that's saying something, alright?

So I do my usual routine. Get up at - insert ugh sound - 6 in the morning, go take a shower, go change into my black aesthetic, and head downstairs to eat breakfast. Now usually when I do that I talk to my parents about things, most of it is school and how I'm doing in just life in general. They're very kind. But today was different.

"Do you know the Lesters?" My mum asked as she set down a plate of my favourite breakfast; eggs and bacon in front of me. Usual. Then on my left of the table my dad is eating his favourite breakfast which was cereal.

My dad can often act like a child. He liked to pout and whine at my mum to get what he wanted. I found it hilarious.

Due to being an only child, they act like my siblings and it's nice. Though, you know, siblings fight and we do too but it isn't anything major like to hate each other, cough fucking Phil.

When she said the name, I couldn't help but feel like I heard that before. Well, other than Kyle telling me that that's his last name. Something else...

"No." I replied. "What, is that like a store brand?" I added, asking in a joking manner, and I can feel both a playful glare coming from my mum and an out of nowhere snort from my dad.

She rolled her eyes. "You dummy. It's a name."

I chuckled. "I know mum, I was just joking."

Her mouth shaped into an 'O' and I felt a slap on my shoulder. My chuckling turned into a laughter.

"Anyway what were saying?"

"I was gonna say that I met a wonderful lady who I befriended."

I held up the spoon and ate a piece from the egg, nodding along to my mum's words.

"And who told me you were dating their son."

Instantly, I coughed and almost choked on the food. They did not- oh my fucking god.

Backtrack. I never told my parents about my relationship with Kyle. I've been keeping it a secret from them and he promised he would too! That little shit.

My dad got a napkin and handed it to me, his hand patting my back and rubbing it, as if to ask if I was alright. His expression told me he wasn't fazed by what his wife said. I would be if I was him!

But my mum. Oh boy.

"Sweetheart why didn't you tell us?"

There was the question.

"I didn't want to- I don't know, want you guys to be part of my love life, no offense." I told them.

"None taken." My dad said, eating his cereal.

My mum looked at him then back to me. "Dan, we could have not be in your way if we found it. We're not the type to be invasive."

Invasive?? "But you are! Especially you mum! God, you always tell the people I bring over embarassing stories of me and whenever we hung out in my room, I see you through the crack of my door. You scare them off. That's why I only bring Chris 'cause he's used to it."

It suddenly got quite between the three of us. Fuck I struck a nerve. I thought I said something bad, eyes down to my plate, but then I heard a giggle. "Oh please. I do it cause I love you, sweety."

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Despite it, my lips tugged into a smile.

My mum rested a hand on my shoulder. "I know we do those things, oh well me, but come on I'm a protective mother! But you are getting older and have to be independent so." She stopped to glance at my dad, smiling, then back to me. "We won't get in the way, if necessary."

I smiled even more. "Promise?"

She giggled. "Promise."

"Hey I do too." My dad said and we broke into laughter.

"Now you get to school you're going to be late." My mum told me as she grabbed my empty plate and my dad's empty bowl, setting them in the sink.

I checked the time on my phone but exactly as I unlock it, I heard a doorbell. I knew it was Chris. I stood up and got my stuff, kissing my mum on the cheek. "Bye I'm leaving now!" I waved a goodbye to my dad as I headed out the house, smiling with Chris.


A/N: weee got updated, finally. again a month later lol. i mentioned the chapters are gonna be short since i dont think ill be able to handle rlly long chapters.

are you liking the story so far? comment your feelings.

kay that is all. bye guys, love you

.* emi

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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