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.: Still Dan's POV :.

The bell rang and I groaned. Next class I have was English, my favorite subject of all time, but all my energy had been drained out by thinking of him.

Why does he have to have a pretty face with a shitty fake personality?

I think I'm the only one that knows about his ruthless behavior. He did mentioned earlier he was nice to everyone except me.

First off, rude. Second off, why me? And third off, RUDE (again).

Aaaaaaaand I did say I don't care but his words kept annoying me throughout then time when I hung out with Chris and Peej.

So many questions in my head right now and I think a migraine is going to happen.

Chris and I said goodbye to PJ as we parted ways; him going one way, us going the other. It sucked how the three of us doesn't have all classes together but at least we got to hang out at lunch and after school.

Through the hallway, we babbled on the homeworks and projects we had to do, me trying to forget about Phil, and most of them were pretty useless to be honest.

I got excited, though, because the day after tomorrow was Friday which meant weekend which meant endless Internet surfing but Chris suggested we should hang out with PJ. That ruined my plans of binge watching Netflix in my boxers.

I agreed to do it in the end so either of us said ideas on what the group could do. So far there was the video game arcade, amusement park, or just watching movies at someone's house. I voted for the third option but Chris mentioned it might get boring after watching countless movies.

I nodded. "True true. Then what about-" I stopped when we turned a corner and someone bumped into me.

Déjà vu.

Looking up, my face turned into ones of a disgust. "It's you." I said, emphasizing the 'you'. He glared down at me and I just noticed, damn was he tall.

Chris saw the tension between us and grabbed my hand then dragged me away from him but not before I hear him mumble under his breath.


I gritted my teeth and roughly pulled my wrist away from Chris' hold, running towards Phil.

"Who are you calling a dumbass?!" I yelled then as he turned, I pushed him against the wall and grabbed his collar, our face inches away from each other. "You fucking shit brick."

Phil spat out a laugh. "Shit brick? Is that all you can say, slut?"

My eyes widened and I grew angry every second. I seperated Phil from the wall and pushed him against it again, earning a groan from him.

"Don't fucking call me that." My eyes bloodshot, staring into Phil's blue ones and my teeth clenched.

He smirked. "Aw is it true? Is little Daniel here a dirty slut?"

I let my anger took over me and my fist connected with his stomach and cheek. Phil groaned, stumbling side ways and back as he held his now red cheek. He coughed out blood, liquid now permanent on the cold ground and making it stand out of the whiteness.

"You asked for it." I hear him say and returned the punch.

I fell to the ground and he mounted on top of me, grabbing onto my collar and punched me again. I let out a growl as I spat blood onto his face and bumped my forehead hard onto his.

"Fuck!" He screamed. His hold was still on my shirt and I tried getting out of his grip but fucking shit he was strong.

Then suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and tugged me away from Phil.

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