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.: Dan's POV :.

Small giggling then soon turning into happy screaming, came towards my room and a groan escaped my lips.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I see this morning is my little brother, Jake, on top of me with one of his hands on my cheek.

"What are you doing?" I asked with my voice obviously showing hints of exhaustion.

Note to self: It's a bad idea to stay up until 3 a.m. on the Internet, knowing I have school the next day. Need to stop that habit.

Jake giggled and smiled big, his white yet a bit yellow teeth exposed. "Good morning Danny!" He greeted happily.

My eyebrows furrowed at his loud chirpy tone. Why the hell is this kid so happy all the time? And especially early in the morning.

I'll never know the answer to that question.

But looking at him; his happy demeanour and aura out and the strands of his brown locks covering his eyes which I assumed he just woke up, made me smile a bit.

"Morning. Now get off of me." I said, motioning the small kid to get off and he did but as soon as I sat up to stretch, he sits on my lap.

With a sigh, I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead, receiving another giggle from him.

"Is breakfast ready?" I asked as I gently picked the kid up and carefully set him down on the ground.

Jake happily nodded. "Yeah! Mommy told me to wake you up!"

Just as usual.

"Go to Mum, Jake. I need to change okay?"

"Okay Danny!"

His little feet made its way out of the door and downstairs to the living room. I sighed again and moved my body to the side so my legs are dangling off the side of the bed, my mind going off to places.

School again... Just another boring day. Well at least I get to see my friends and strangely enough, I'm happy to see my teachers. Then there are my classes. Lucky enough I got an A on my last Maths test which made my parents proud. I was proud myself too but I have to keep it up. Can't let them be disappointed.

"Daniel you better be up or you'll be late for school!!"

At that moment my mum yelled and I groaned.

"I'm up already Mum!!" I yelled back.

Rolling my eyes, my feet met the ground. I walked to the window and opened the blinds, hissing at the brightness. I was going to turn off the brightness when I realized this was reality and I spent too much time online.

"Stupid idiot." I muttered, internally face-palming myself.

I looked out the window and saw how pretty it was. The sky was a nice shade of blue with the clouds saying 'hi' to each other. Then there were the trees that are so fucking green that it annoyed me on how green they are. Of course, the buildings and people. Walking through the streets, talking to their friends, feeding birds, that's what we people do. That's what the people where I live do.

My eyes continued to wander around, capturing every single details, when I noticed my two best friends; Chris and PJ.

Seeing them, I opened my window and peeked my head out. "Hi guys!"

They turned their head to the sound of my voice and both their faces lit up. Chris waved his hand excitedly while PJ gave me a small salute hand gesture.

"How long have you been here?" I asked to both males, raising my voice a bit. I live in a flat, third floor specifically, so the distance between them and me were big.

Chris cupped his hands into a megaphone. "We just got here!" He turned to face PJ and he nodded.

"Okay I'll be down there in a second!"

I got my head back inside and closed the window then quickly went to my closet, opening it, and getting out a random shirt and trousers. Once I put them on, I checked myself in the mirror. Everything was good; black clothes my aesthetic, except my hair. Goddamn my hair. So curly, ew.

I yawned and went to straighten my hair then approximately 10 minutes later, I finished. I put my backpack on and sauntered down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Ready for another day in school?" My mum asked as I sat down. She set a plate down in front of me with three strips of bacon and two fried eggs.

I muttered a thanks and sighed. "I guess."

"You guess?" she asked, also setting down a glass of juice.

I ate my bacon, chewing it slowly. "Yeah mum."

She nodded and left me be to eat but I ate quickly because PJ and Chris were waiting for me outside. I took my plate and put it in the sink, quickly pecking my mum on the cheek.

I jogged to the door and put on my shoes. "I'm off now!" I yelled then opened the door and got out, smiling brightly when I see my friends.

We gave each other a high five and walked to school together; casually talking about the most random things like best friends do.

"Did you know there's going to be a new student?" PJ suddenly asked and Chris and I looked at him.

"Where'd you hear that from?" I questioned, intrigued on who this new kid is.

PJ shrugged. "Heard it from a classmate. Not sure of it's true or not."

We walked inside the building and through the hallway, stopping at the lockers. I opened mines and got out my textbooks.

"It's cool we have a new student." Chris brought up.

I closed my locker and was carrying my books. "Do you think it's a guy or girl?"

PJ thought. "I feel like it'll be a guy."

Chris and I nodded in agreement. The three of us strolled to class and sat in our seats, talking until the bell rang.


A/N: 2nd chapter yeEEAH. This chapter was boring, sorry, but it's the beginning so I wanted to get the main points out of the way before introducing Phil :3 I hope you all enjoyed nonetheless!!

- Emi xoxo

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