Chapter 1: The Note

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Hey Guys! This is my first fanfic, so could ya give me feedback? I wana do my own twist on what would happen between NaLu if someone else got involved...but I'm not sure. So anyone with ideas pm me! I'm open to suggestions.

Chapter 1

No One's POV

The school doors slam open as the beautiful blonde strides through. Lucy holds her bag close as she glares at the boys that tried to get close to her. As she expected, each and every one of them cowered under her glare. Until she ran into Natsu, Sting, Rogue, Gray, and Gajeel.

'Great. The dumb ones are here.' She thinks, grinning.

“Yo. Why you looking creepy like that?” Natsu asked. The look on Lucy's face told Natsu to back off but, as per usual, he couldn't take a hint.

“Creepy?” Lucy asked so sweetly, that even Gajeel was fooled. “Why I have never received such an insult in my life.” Lucy says, sounding so innocent. Natsu looked at her so confused. The beautiful blonde looked at Natsu, walked close to him, and murmured in his ear: “If you want to keep living life the way you do, I suggest you refrain from using that word around me...” And to prove a point, she acted like she was going to kiss him, but instead punched him in the nose.

As Lucy Heartifilia walked away, Natsu got a brilliant, or so he thought, idea and chased after her with his hand on fire. Lucy smelled the smoke but she never thought that he would be that stupid, yet soon after she smelt the smoke, her rear was on fire.

“NATSU I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THAT!!!!!!” She bellowed. “JUST YOU WAIT!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Erza appeared and accesses the situation.

“Lucy, what's going no?!?” Erza exclaims.

“Levy-chan, Erza, please help me to the infirmary.” Lucy mutters.

“Of course, Lu-chan.” Levy says.

Natsu's POV

Everyone heard the doors open. There was no mistaking the footsteps or the scent. Her scent. His crush as of this point. Lucy Heartifilia. The look in his eyes said it all. Sting, Rogue, Gray, and Gajeel all knew what would happen.

“Natsu, give it up already. Lucy just isn't into you. You're guna get yourself hurt.” Gray said.

“Yeah, man. Erza's a tough chick, but Lucy's on a whole 'nother level.” Gajeel shuddered.

“Wait, are you guys SCARED of that Lucy Heartifilia chick??” Natsu roared laughing.

Then, of all things, Lucy bumped into Natsu.

“Ya know, people are guna think you are creepy, if you keep that up.” Natsu said, trying to be nice.

“Creepy?” Lucy asked, Natsu discreetly watched the way her lips formed that word. He listened to the sweet sound of her voice. He noticed her heartbeat, and that brought to his attention how his heartbeat was racing 10 times faster than normal.

Lucy's POV

“Well, well, well. What happened, Lucy?” The nurse, Mirajane Strauss, asked me.

“Natsu's what happened.” I said, my eyebrow twitching. There was a knock on the door and I dove behind the curtains, my face flushing crimson red.

“Why hello, Natsu!” Mirajane said and it took everything I had to not yelp out in pain or surprise.

"Hello Ms. Mirajane. I was wondering if you have seen a creepy Lucy being towed around?" Natsu asked.

'He's still calling ME creepy? Does he have any idea who I am?' I think to myself, agitated.

"Nope." Mirajane replies. I sigh in relief.

The words i heard next made me faint.. "Well, when you see Lucy could you give her this to me?" Natsu asked. "Sure." Mirajane says.

To Be Continued

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