Worry and Confusion

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       You pull up in front of Dan and Phil's apartment and you look up to their floor. You can see through Dan's window a shadow on his curtains of him pacing back and forth. You walk up the three flights of stairs to their door and Phil answers. He's in his pug sweatshirt and some pajamas with non-matching socks (as usual) while holding a cup of tea. He isn't at all surprised you're there because he had read the tweet too and knew you would see it as well. He offers you a cup of tea but you politely decline and take a seat on the couch. "What do you think is bugging Dan so much?" you ask Phil. "I honestly don't know this time. This is the first he hasn't ranted to me first before closing himself off from the world in his room. This time he just said goodnight and then I eventually heard him pacing and crying." Phil replies. You can tell that Phil is just as confused and concerned as you are, so you give Phil a hug and head down the hall towards Dan's room. You listen carefully to  the sound coming from the other side of the door when suddenly Dan's pacing stops and you hear a loud smash and you dart towards his door. 

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now