Morning Banter

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       You and Phil shuffle back and fourth between the tight, European kitchen in your pajamas while you are gathering supplies. You both have been working on the pancakes for no more than 20 minutes and there is already flour and batter everywhere, Phil has slipped and stubbed his toe, and you both have various ingredients in your hair. Dan finally wakes up and stumbles into the kitchen. His eyes grow wide as he sees you two in a heap in the floor laughing at what a mess you've made. His eyes go from wide to thin while a grin draws across his face as he begins to join in on the laughter. "I've been up for two seconds and you two have already made a complete mess. Have you even made any pancakes yet?" "Nope." you giggle in response to Dan as you struggle to stand on the tile that is now covered in a fine layer of baking flour. Dan helps you up and twirls you into an embrace. Your noses touch and you place your hand on his jaw line as the other is intertwined with his. You smear a little batter on his nose and quickly break away. You help struggling Phil, who still is figuring out how to get back up off the floor. "Morning, mate." Phil says almost in a grunt as he pulls himself up by the counter in one hand and by your hand in his other. "Morning, Phil. Sleep well?" "Not really. After you two fell asleep, I stayed up late and bought and expansion pack for the Sims™ and edited my most recent video." Phil replies guiltily. "Phil," Dan replies in his slightly joking/ slightly disappointed tone of voice he only uses with Phil or Louise. "You need to sleep. You always have such a weird day when you don't. Remember what happened last time you didn't sleep?" "Last time I didn't sleep, I met my girlfriend at a coffee shop. That doesn't sound so weird to me." Phil responds confidently. "Phil? Having a girlfriend? Sounds pretty weird to me!" Dan says with a big silly grin on his face. "Shut up." Phil laughs and bumps his elbow into Dan, causing him to spill the cracked eggs into the sink. "Dammit, Phil. Look what you did!" Dan chuckles trying to scoop the yolk delicately out of the slick sink. "Oops." Phil responds with a sarcastic tone and a smile. At this point, you are sitting back with a cup of coffee staring at the two goofballs who can't seem to take two steps without nearly smashing into each other. You giggle to yourself until it hits you. "Wait, Phil." you say sharply. He turns towards you. "Yeah?" "Did  you say you have a... girlfriend?" you squeal. Phil's cheeks get red.

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now