Feeling Better

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       You roll off of Dan and lay next to him. You both turn, facing each other, your heads propped up by your elbows, looking into each other's eyes. Rain was pouring outside and the storm was roaring. "How about we get some coffee? You've had a long night." You joke lightly. He chuckles in response. "You've got that right." Both of you climb off his checkered sheets and head out into the hallway into the kitchen. Phil was munching on cereal (which was probably Dan's, but that didn't seem to phase Dan when he walked by him) and was quite cheerful. Phil was always a night owl, but that never bothered Dan because he was too. It was now 1:30 am. "Feeling better, Dan?" Phil asked, relieved to see his best friend in better shape. "Much better." Dan replies glancing at you slightly as he answered. You smile and open the refrigerator to grab the milk for the coffee as Dan started the coffee machine. 

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now