Tell Me Everything

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       After what seemed like 2 hours, the pancakes were finally made. All three of you make your way to the table and set your plates down. "So, tell me." you say giddily as you put your elbows on the table, with yours head in your hands to show that there's no avoiding confrontation and you aren't going to eat anything until Phil tells you about the girl. "What about her?" Phil responds casually while stuffing a piece of pancake into his mouth off his fork. You sit back and make a dramatically offended expression on your face. Did he really think that this was not a big deal? He hasn't had a real girlfriend for what seems like months. "Everything! What does she look like? What does she do? How many times have you seen her? Why didn't I hear about this earlier?" you say swiftly. You look straight into Phil's eyes with a look that intimidates Phil but makes him smile. He chuckles softly. "No need to get so excited. I met her last month. I have seen her a couple of times but we've mostly been talking over text. Her name is Amy and she's a nice gal. She works at a flower shop down the street and she actually has sold me a few plants we have around the house." "That's why we've had so many plants magically appearing recently!" Dan buds in suddenly.  Phil  gets a guilty look on his face as Dan's annoyed glare bores into him. Phil then continues, "I didn't tell you because I thought that we haven't gotten serious enough to really become something to talk about." "Are you kidding?" you reply astonished that he isn't as excited for him as you are. "This is definitely something to talk about. Also, you still haven't answered all of my questions." Phil looks at you like a confused puppy. "What do you mean?" "What does she look like?" Dan stops eating and looks at Phil, for he hasn't met or seen the girl either. "Well," Phil responds hesitantly, "why would I tell you when I can show you?"

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now