Slumbering Bear

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       The next thing you know, it's morning and you're awake, snuggled up in a blankets with your face nuzzled into Dan's chest. Your hair is in your face as you look up at him. He's sound asleep with the light from the window streaked across his face, with hair is a slightly curly mess. You smile and listen to his calm breathing. It settles you inside knowing that he is finally calm and not distressed like he was the night before. You get up as slowly as you can as to not wake the slumbering bear. You walk down the hallway and lightly tap on Phil's door. He calls for you to come in and you see that he is already up and editing a new Dan and Phil Games video. "Good morning, y/n!" Phil says peeking over his computer. "Good morning!" You reply. "Hey, would you like to help me make pancakes? Dan isn't up yet, but I though we could get started without him. I'm pretty hungry." "Sure, pancakes sound great." Phil hops up and follows you into the kitchen. "So, how did last night go?" Phil asks.

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now