Awkward Pancakes

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       You start to jump up and down in your seat, as if you were five years old and just found out you are going to an amusement park. "Yes, yes, yes!" you squeal. At this point, you're making lots of noise. Dan is laughing at your enthusiasm, while Phil is doing the exact opposite. He looks down at his plate and pretends that nothing is happening. "What's the matter, Phil? Are you embarrassed?" you tease. "A little." he admits softly. You immediately go silent. The room is quiet except for Dan's fork colliding with his plate as he continues to eat. The silence is broken when Dan begins to chuckle. "You guys are hilarious. Honestly, I don't think I've ever endured a more awkward breakfast between adults. I don't know how you two made pancakes awkward, but you did." His chuckle then grows into a full on laugh. You and Phil burst out laughing with Dan. You laugh, but you also feel pretty embarrassed yourself. "Sorry, Phil. I didn't mean to pressure you so much." you apologize. "Please go on. When are we going to meet this girl Amy?" you try to pick up where you left off. "It's fine, y/n. But to continue, Amy has the day off today and I was actually going to go out for coffee with her at the place we met. That's actually why I was going out today if you remember me telling you earlier in the kitchen. Maybe after the coffee, you and Dan can meet us in Central London for some shopping?" You and Dan look at each other in reassurance. "Sounds brilliant!" you respond. "Sorted then. Well, I'm going to get ready, so I'll see you guys later." Phil says and piles his dishes into his hands and walks into the kitchen. "I'm really excited to meet Amy. Aren't you, Danny?" you look at Dan. "Yeah. She must be nice because I can't imagine Phil with someone mean." he replies. He then follows in Phil's footsteps and carries his dishes into the kitchen as well. You look down at your plate and realize that you were so distracted by Phil's big news, that you hadn't even touched your pancakes. You stuff your mouth with breakfast as fast as you can and follow close behind Dan. Why didn't Dan really speak much during breakfast? He didn't ask any questions about Phil's new girlfriend or seem to show any more than a little interest in your guys' conversation. Was he embarrassed about the way you acted about Phil's invitation, or was he just silently listening? Does he know something about the girl that you don't? Maybe he was still a little shook up from last night. 

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisWhere stories live. Discover now