Chapter 2

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We were half-way through the process of eating this overly stuffing morning meal, but it was good, though. I didn't want much more than my pancakes, but I told Chad that I would pig out with him, so I just took my time at eating the eggs. But, Chad saw the expression on my face that usually showed that I wasn't hungry anymore. "Babe, if you don't want to eat, you don't have to." "No, it's cool. You told me to pig out with you and I told you I would. I always keep my word." "Yeah, whatever. I can clearly see that you don't want anymore." "And how do you know that?" "It's that same facial expression every time, when you really don't want to eat, so you stare at it or eat slowly." "Okay, fine. You got me." I replied, laying my fork down on the plate. He chuckled and put his hand out on the table, holding it open for me to grasp. I placed my hand in his and he rubbed it, looking me in the eyes. I looked down, shyly, because I hated when he did that. He always made me blush when he did that. "You're so beautiful." He said, continuing to make me get butterflies in my stomach. "Stop, Chad." "What am I doing?" he said, trying to make it seem like he was innocent. But, Chad knew exactly what he was doing. "You know what you're doing, Chad." "I love you. I can't let you know that I think you're beautiful?" I looked up and said, "I love you, too, but don't act like you're innocent." He smiled and said, "Okay. I'm sorry." I grinned over at him and got up to walk over to him. He looked up at me and I sat on his lap. We looked each other in the eyes, before I kissed him on the cheek and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

Sooner or later, I heard the chorus to 'Fairly Local' by twenty one pilots. My phone was upstairs, so I got up and ran up the stairs. I reached for my phone on the nightstand, before it could go to voicemail. I saw the caller I.D. and it said: Taylor. So, I picked up, saying, "What's up, T?" "Just was bored and wanted to call you up. Were you busy?" "No. Why would you say that?" "I mean, you sound kind of out of breath and you answered on like the fifth ring." "Oh, I just ran up the steps. I was downstairs, eating breakfast with Chad. And, now that I mention it, that just made my stomach hurt." "What made your stomach hurt?" "I told Chad I'd pig out with him, but I kind of now regret it because I overstuffed myself. And me running up the stairs was just the cherry on top." "Well, don't throw up or anything. Not." Taylor said, saying the last part under his breath. "Oh, trust me- I already did." "Tell me you're lying right now." "I'm not. Why? Did you wanna hang out? You miss me? I knew you would. It's not so hard to do so." I replied back, playfully cocky. "Don't get cocky, Hayles." "Haha. I'm just kidding. But, seriously, though." "Yeah, I did wanna hang out with you. But, now that you're sick, I can't because Jeremy isn't even here in America and all my other friends are out celebrating." "They're out celebrating? Why?" "You literally forget everything, Hayley. Gosh." "Well, I'm sorry. Help me out here. Just give me a hint." "Oh, I don't know. It's Best Friend Day." "Are you serious, Taylor?" "Yup." "How in the hell was I gonna remember a day that's not even official?" "Well, it should be official to anybody who has a best friend. Well, shouldn't it?" "Yeah. I guess." "But, now it just sucks because you're sick and can't even leave the house." "Taylor, you're so slow. I'm not sick just because I threw up." "So, you're telling me that you just threw up for no apparent reason?" "Well, yeah, obviously." "OMG, Hayley!" "What?" "You think you're pregnant?!" "Taylor! No, I'm not pregnant. You're probably the idiot secretly starting the pregnancy rumors up every year." "You damn right I am. And I'm the idiot secretly starting up the band breakup rumors every year, too." "Thanks for motivating our band, T." "No problem, bestie." "No. But, really. I really don't have a reason to throw up. Like, I feel perfectly fine. I don't have a headache or a stomachache, for that matter." "Yeah, whatever." "Let me find out if Chad is hanging out with anyone today, for best friend day. If he is, then you have me all to yourself." "Yay!" "But, if he doesn't, then you can pick if you wanna hang today or tonight. Your choice." "No, I want MY best friend all to myself." "Stop being a baby, T. He probably doesn't even care about the holiday." "Just kidding, Hayles." "Alright, give me a second." I said, before I turned around to go find Chad downstairs. But, instead, he was there standing in the doorway. "Oh! Hey, Chad. I didn't even know you were there." "You don't even have to check, baby. And you're right- I don't care about the holiday. So, go hang with your best friend." "Yay! Guess what, T?" "I have you all to myself?!" "Yup!" "Yay!" "Woooo!" I replied, ecstatic. "Haha. You're such nerds." Chad said, shaking his head and leaving the room. "No, we're not, babe! We're just being ourselves!" I called out, while he walked away. "What'd he say?" Taylor asked. "He said that we're nerds." "Hayles..." "What?" "We, in fact, are nerds." "Alright, maybe we are..." "No, not maybe. We are nerds." "Okay, T... We are nerds. But, we're still cool nerds." "No, we're not. We're uncool nerds." "Alright, look, T. I'm trying to justify our weirdness; okay?" "You mean our nerdness?" "Get off my phone, Taylor." "Haha. Alright, but when are we gonna hang out?" "Whenever you want to." "Alright, I'll get dressed and head right on over." "Alright, but you're gonna be waiting some time because you know that I take forever with everything." "Whatever. I'm not allowed to be mad at you today. It's Best Friend Day." "Oh, true. Should we match?" "Yeah, we should. We should both wear like..." "Not black, Taylor." "Alright, but I wasn't even gonna say that." "Haha. Then, what were you gonna say?" "I was gonna say black AND white." "We're gonna be Oreos today?" "Maybe we're Oreos. Maybe we're penguins. We COULD wear orange shoes." "I like your thinking, T." "If our fans see us out today, they're gonna put this all up on social media." "As a matter of fact, we're gonna put it up ourselves. Well, technically, I am. But, we're both gonna be up on social media. We're gonna take a picture." "Alright. Oh, and don't forget to send Jeremy and other besties a happy best friend day." "Did you already send one to Jeremy?" "Yup. As soon as I woke up, I did it." "Shit. I'm late with everything, so they'll all get over it." "Haha. You're so mean." "No, I'm not mean. I'm more like... bad." "Yeah, sure. The short 5'2 red-head is bad. Yeah, okay." "Haha. Alright, get off the phone, so I can get ready." "Okay, bye. Don't forget the dress code and there are no exceptions." "Except for Chad- he's an exception." "..." "Haha. Taylor?" "Hayley, just stop with the puns." "Taylor, I know you're not talking." "I know, I know. Alright, I'll see you soon." "Okay, bye." "Bye."

I put my phone back down on the nightstand and took off Chad's baggy sweatpants. I looked out in the hallway and he wasn't out there. So, I walked down the hallway and down the steps. He was in the kitchen, washing out our dishes. I ran up behind him and hugged him tightly. "Oh, now you wanna hold me?" "I love you so much, baby." "I love you, too, baby girl. Let me turn around, so I can hug you back." I let go and he turned around, touching my nose and putting bubbles on my face. I laughed and hugged him anyway, even with his hands wet on my back. Then, he slapped on me on my butt. "Ow, Chad!" I whined. He let go of me and said, "Go get ready. You know that Taylor will be here soon." "So what? Let me hold you for a little longer. You're my best friend, too, you know." "Okay, fine. But, friends should sleep in other beds." He replied, quoting the line from Ed Sheeran's song, before rolling his eyes and pulling me in. "And friends don't kiss me like you do." I said. He leaned down, placing his two wet hands on my face, and kissed me with his soft lips. "You taste good." He said, into my lips. "How do I taste good? I taste the same as you." "You taste like syrup." "Oh. Well, so do you, but I didn't think that it would taste any different than your mouth already did." "I don't know. You just always taste better." "Hmmm... I beg to differ, but that's okay." He smiled and pulled me back in for a kiss. I put more passion into the kiss and I knew that Chad felt it because his breathing quickened. I pulled away, so that he could breathe. "Let's not let this be a repeat of what happened during our first kiss." I said, smiling a little. "What?" "You seemed to be breathing a little too fast. I don't want you to have another asthma attack." "Oh, trust me- I get mini heart attacks every time you walk into the room. I can deal with it now." "Whatever, you dork." I replied, kissing him again. He smiled and, in this moment, I felt like this was everything. I have it all. Like, this guy is literally everything that I need. He's always there for me. He's always supporting me in everything that I do in my life and with Paramore. He's always telling me how beautiful I am. He's never afraid to be himself. He's kind, sweet, sensitive, funny, and just super adorable. I never want to lose him ever. He's my life and I would give anything up for him to be happy, with me or without me. But, hopefully, that'll never happen. I'm too in love with this guy. I mean, he's stuck with me either way. He did get down on one knee on that Christmas night in 2014. I'll never forget that moment, ever.

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