Chapter 7

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Author's Note: the picture in the media of Chad and Hayley is my definite fave. I love the blurryface (u get it, TOP4life) and the rawness to the capture of the moment. Theyre just cute. Now I'll leave you to the story. But... it gets sad. Grab your box of tissues. Maybe I'm exaggerating. But, if not, Sorry in advance.



It's about 6:37 a.m. and I'm making myself some coffee. I'm super tired, but I honestly haven’t slept all night. But, today’s plans must still go on. After I pour the coffee into the mug, I sluggishly make my way into the living room. I sit down and turn on the TV. The news was on, but I kept it on so I could find out what the weather was going to be like. Instead, I find breaking news.

“…she has just been discharged from the hospital. It appears to be, as you can see her leaving the hospital, accompanied by her husband and sister, that she is clearly not on the verge of death. The media has been giving us a little something more than the truth, not that we’ve been lying to you, ourselves. Here, we have a clip of an interview that was shot yesterday, not yet released.”

My hands fumble around for the remote, as my eyes are glued to the television screen, as they talk about Hayley. “As you can see, your fans are very concerned about you. You haven’t posted on Twitter nor  have you let anyone know how you are. Do you want to send a message to your adoring fans?” the interviewer asked Hayley. Hayley hesitated as first, but said, “I'm sorry that I worried you guys. I couldn’t take the time that had and waste it on Twitter. No disrespect, but I really needed to take this time to appreciate the people around me. God bless our fans that have been involved in this. You’ll be in our prayers- Taylor, Jeremy, and I. We’d been recording and touring for over a year now, so all I wanted to do was be around family and friends. And, honestly, I still do. There are a lot things going on right now and I need to take this time for myself. I will keep you guys, fans, updated on what's going. We will still be putting out a record soon, but it might be on hold for a while. I'm not exactly stable for that. But, I want to thank you guys in advance for being patient. And thank you for everything that I've been getting on Twitter, Tumblr, and through fan mail. I love you guys.”

After that, I cut off the TV and just sat there. Hayley’s been out of the hospital. Like, she’s stable! I mean, clearly, since she can take interviews. I was debating whether I should grab my jacket and rush to her house to see her. But, then again, if she wanted to see, she would’ve called me. Honestly, I don't think that I said anything wrong back at the hospital. I think that she was totally in the wrong for saying what she said the way she said. If I come before Chad, fine. But, you shouldn’t have to make me feel like shit about it. Through all of her insecurities and crying nights and me holding her until she fell asleep, she just acted as if that never happened. Well, I’ll always remember it and she needs to, too. So, I'm gonna go over there to make sure she remembers, whether I have to put up fight or not.


I've been feeling horrible still about the way I reacted about the miscarriage and her being pregnant. I wasn’t upset about the news. I was just upset about the way I found out. I’ve cried myself to sleep ever since the night I found out. Obviously, never in front of Hayley. I made sure that she was well-asleep and knocked out before I let a tear or whimper leave me. But, I've manned up. I've been around her, making sure that nothing’s stressing her out. I've been by her side ever since. But, just thinking about it still makes me sick to my stomach. It's not the fact that I reacted like a child. It's not the fact that I have a kid on the way. It's the simple fact that neither of us have even talked about the miscarriage or why she told Taylor before me. Was Taylor really someone she trusted, more than me? I trust her. I trusted her to trust me. But, I guess it's the same problem that she’s always have had- miscommunication.

But I Love Him, Guys (Chayley)Where stories live. Discover now