Chapter 4

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"You happy, you idiot?" I said, before pulling my shirt over my head. I looked back over at him and he was just lying there with his eyes closed and his chest rising and falling. He also had a cute smirk on his face, while breathing slightly over a normal pace. "Are you asleep? Get up. You have to help me pick out my outfit for today." I said, walking over to my closet. I started looking through my clothes, until I heard light snoring coming from behind me. I turned around and found Chad sleeping. He was so cute, but it still annoyed me because he always did this. He always fell asleep right after we'd had any type of sexual contact. I could have rode him the whole time, and still he'd manage to be tired. Like, HOW?

"Pfft. You suck, dude." I said, before turning back towards the closet. Then, I heard somebody knocking on the door. "Shit." I said, trying to quicken my pace before I let Taylor in. I pulled on my black skinny jeans, mono orange vans, and white collared button-up with a black sweatshirt over it. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and then rushed downstairs to open the door, after he'd knocked for the fifth fucking time.

"Damn, Taylor. Can you at least be patient?" I said, opening the door to let him in. "See, but what you don't know is this... I actually sat outside of your house for an entire 10 minutes past when I wanted to walk in. So, whatever you were doing, you better be thanking me mentally." He said, before walking into the kitchen to grab something out of the refrigerator, per usual. "Oh, and by the way..." he said. "What?" "No offense, but you might need some perfume." "What wasn't supposed to be offensive?" "No, like... you honesty smell like sex. And I'm assuming that's what was taking you so long...?" "Yeah, I guess so..." I said, looking down and awkwardly smiling. "Well, go and do whatever more you need to get ready, so that we can go out. And don't forget to give Chad a kiss before you leave." "Aww, thanks for reminding me." "The kiss is supposed to be a transfer from me to him. But, if that's what you took from it, then run." "Ugh, fuck you." She said, before raising her middle finger. "You wish you could." I replied. "Yeah, whatever."

"Hayley, today," I dragged on. "She has other people to serve." The waitress giggled at me, as I attempted at hurrying up Hayley's order. Like, she's always taking forever with everything. Damn. "What, Taylor? I don't wanna get too much or too little." Hayley said. "There's no such thing as too much. Just take a to-go plate." "Ohhhhh, yeah." She said, finally coming to her senses. She ordered her food and then handed the lady her menu. I just was sat on the side of the table with the most dreaded expression on my face. "Ha. You guys are so cute. I'll back with your food soon." The waitress said, before walking away. "Thank you... so much." I said. Hayley looked at me and said, "You've gotta stop rushing me." "No, you need to stop taking forever with everything." "No, I don't. You need just let me be." "Shut up, you dork." "You're a dork." "No, I'm not. Who's the one who actually dressed up in penguin colors?" I replied, laughing at her. "That's not even funny. You said no exceptions." "Yeah, but that was obliterated when you said that Chad was the only exception. Like, seriously?" "Yes." "Like, how are you even so privileged as to having a normal, cool friend like me?" "Hey! I'm actually cooler than you. I have 4 million+ followers on Twitter, and you have zero." "You're an idiot. I don't even have one." "You're an idiot. You would still have zero anyway." "Not true. But, let's switch the topic?" "To..." "To why you're always having sex?" "What? Shut up. We're in a public area." She said, whispering. "So... no one can even hear us, you paranoid freak." "Why do you wanna know anyway? I'm a grown woman and I'm married." "I know. But, like... are you trying to get pregnant? We're about to record an album, and you won't be in any position to tour for that album." "I'm not gonna get pregnant." "Yeah, okay. Says the girl that doesn't know the reason she threw up this morning. AND you said that you don't feel sick. You just threw up instantly, this morning. You know what that's called?" "Sickness?" "MORNING sickness." "Whatever." She replied, rolling her eyes. "I'm serious. You need to not be so careless. The last time that you had a scare you..." "Stop. Don't bring it up," she said, lowering her voice and looking down. "I just can't talk about those kinds of things. I still haven't forgiven myself." I just looked on at her and kept my mouth shut. I didn't mean to bring it up; I just kinda kept talking and then it slipped out. "I feel horrible. I'm sorry for bringing it up." I said. "Well, imagine how I feel... I might even throw up again, just thinking about it." "Well, have you told Chad?" "No. I'm not going to, either. This won't hurt him to not know. This will actually spare our relationship with less troubles." "How do you think he would react?" "He probably wouldn't talk to me for a long time. Like, go to L.A. or something and just text me like once every two days." "Damn. Well, I'll make sure to not slip up in front of him. Okay?" "You better not. If so, I don't know what I'd have to say to him." "Well, I've got you. Don't worry about it." I said, holding out my pinky for a pinky swear. She brought her small pinky up from underneath the table and said, "Pinky swear." I smiled at her, trying to cheer her up, after watching how my stupid words affected the glow in her eyes to gloom. She smiled back and said, "At least I know there's somebody I can trust."

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