Still Into You

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"Well, aren't you guys just the cutest of best friends. Aww." the female interviewer said, pointing her finger at Taylor and I, after I went and tied Taylor's shoe for him because I knew that he didn't want to take his hands out of his pocket.

He forgot to bring his gloves and we were doing an outside interview, in the beginning of January. And when I stood back up, he hugged me. I just smiled, leaning to T.

He rubbed my shoulder and then let me go, before saying, "This is why we're best friends. I love Hayley."

"Love you, too, T."

"And that was Paramore. Thanks for sticking around, guys. That was a fun interview." The interviewer said.

"Yeah, I think it was." Jeremy and I replied, while T just stood there smiling.

Three hours later

I'm scrolling through my mentions on Twitter and a lot of people are asking for me to say hi to them. I, usually, don't because a ton of people are asking for the same thing and it get annoying doing the same thing; not that I'm annoyed with our wonderful Paramore fans. But, I guess I'll just do this for today. So, I click on the mention and reply with 'Hi, how are you today? xx'. I go back to the mentions and see a post about the upcoming GRAMMYs. It says something about our nomination for 'Song Of The Year', for our new record, "Turntables", against Justin Bieber's "Universe". I retweet it and continue to scroll, until I get a notification about a reply to my reply. I check it and it's from the person I said hi to. The tweet says, "I'm so happy you replied!! I love u. And why don't you and Taylor date already?" I kind of regret going out of my way to say hi to that person, but oh well. I'll just reply anyway- "I don't know.. Because I'm married and he'll ONLY ever be my best friend. When are people to going to accept it?" I exited out of the app and went to listen to some music. I put on some Björk and stuck my earphones in my ear. I got another notification from Twitter, but I didn't feel like dealing with people right now. I just wanted to drift off into a deep slumber. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text from someone. I opened up the text and found that it was from Chad. That made me smile.

It said: 'I love you, my beautiful wife. Don't worry about those people who don't admire our visible love. They don't know what they're missing out on. If you must know, our fans will take care of that person. Taylor would've cleared it up a million times if he had a twitter, but baby just be persistent (a nfg song Chad wrote about Hayley), like I was with us. They'll see eventually and their opinions will soon fade out. Don't look at their tweets, baby. Look at that ring. Call me ASAP.' I kind of teared up, in the midst of reading that. He was always there for me and that was what people never saw. There were so many times that I wanted to just screenshot the stuff he says, but that was just a reminder that our relationship was personal. So, I texted him back, saying- I love you so much. Thank you, babe. This reminds me of why I'm still into you.

But I Love Him, Guys (Chayley)Where stories live. Discover now