Chapter 5

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I woke up and it was pitch black dark in the room. I sat up, groaning. I reached over for Hayley, but she was missing. But, then I remembered that her and Taylor were going to be out all day. I checked my phone and it was 10:04 p.m. There were a lot of notifications, but I didn't feel like checking them. None of them were from Hayley anyway, but it was getting pretty late. So, I was getting kind of worried of where she was and when she was getting back.

I got out of bed and threw on my sweatpants. Right when I was about to walk out of the room, my phone rang. I rubbed my face up and down to wake myself up and walked my tired ass back over to the phone. It said that Taylor was calling me. I squinted at why he'd be calling me, but I answered anyway. "Hello?" "Hey, Chad. We need you to come pick us up from the bowling alley." He said. "Why? What happened?" I said, becoming more alert. "It's getting worse. We'll tell you when you get here. Just hurry. It's the bowling alley near that laser tag place." He replied. "Okay, okay. I'm on my way." I rushed, before hanging up. I threw on a sweatshirt and my sneakers, before rushing down the stairs, grabbing my keys, and running to the car.


I'm waiting outside of the hospital room with Taylor, and I'm just waiting for the doctors to let me in to see her. Apparently, they were just taking a break from bowling and eating food, when there was some commotion coming from a group of men arguing. They figured that it was getting to be too much, so they started walking out. Then, the guys started fighting. Hayley was behind Taylor, so they ended up getting too close to her and pushing her into a table. When Taylor went to help her up, two gunshots were fired. He flinched back and they told Taylor to move away her. So, basically, my girl is lying on the floor in pain. Then, an alarm goes off that automatically signals the police. They start taking captives to take with them, but then they try to take Hayley. Taylor begs for them to not take Hayley. They hesitate, but eventually throw her back down to the floor harshly and leave. They were all wearing masks, but I'm not really too concerned with the suspects. I just need to know what's going on with Hayley's health right now.

An hour later, a nurse comes out and tells me that we may each go in there one at a time. Taylor lets me go first, so I, without hesitation, stand up and make my way in there. I open the door slowly, hearing it's annoying creak. I sigh and then walk over to her bedside. "Hayley..." I speak. She opens her previously closed eyes and weakly smiles at me. "Hi." I say, taking her hand. "Hi." She says, before groaning in pain and placing a hand over her stomach. I start to get choked up. I can just feel my throat closing because I want to cry like a bitch so bad right now. But, I always wanted to stay strong for her. "What did they do to you?" "They pushed me into the table and that hurt my back so badly. Then, they cruelly threw me to the floor and knocked the wind out of me. To make a long story short, I injured the arm I fell back on and I'm having stomach pains because of who-knows-what." "I'm so sorry." She sighed and said, "It's fine. I'll be fine, Chad." "This is not fine, Hayley. These criminals harmed you; like, they hospitalized you. Don't you understand that?" "I understand, but I can't focus on the negatives." "Hayley, all we have are negatives. What is the positive to this?" "I don't even know what I'm talking about. They put me on something..." she said, before laughing. I couldn't help but laugh with her. "Is there anything else you want to tell me... that I should maybe know...?" I asked her. The expression on her face changed pretty quickly to serious and a slight dash of... guilt? "What's wrong? What else should I know?" I asked, kneeling down to her bedside. "It's just that there were a few of our fans there, that we even took pictures with, so it hurts to know that there are some of our fans out there that haven't come home tonight." She said, starting to choke up. "Wait, did any die?" I asked. "No. But, people were captured Chad. And they almost took me, if it wasn't for Taylor!" "I know, baby. I know." I said, before bring her fragile body in for a soft, warm embrace. "It hurts so bad," she cried out in muffles. "I knew that I loved our fans, but I never realized how much- not until now." I just held her tighter and, at this point, I couldn't hold the tears back. They just started streaming down. Like, I didn't realize how serious this was until she put it into perspective.. Like, nobody even knows what's happening to those people. Those people could be dead by now- just because some idiots wanted to fight and take people hostage. That doesn't even make sense, in that sequential order, actually... I'm starting to think this was a setup.

Then, an RN comes in to take Hayley's vital information. Hayley's kinda still out of it, because of the medication they gave her, so they ask me her information. We get through all of it, until the nurse comes in and says, "So, Mrs. Williams-Gilbert, we've done an evaluation on your body." "Okay." She replied. "There has been some damage and we've found a couple things..." "Okay... is it bad?" "Well, that depends on what you tell us, okay? Now, when was your last doctor's visit? If you don't remember, we can tell you." "No, I remember actually..." she said, looking down at her fidgety fingers.


"Um... I think that it was about two and a half from today, so it was about July 20th." I said, hoping that I was partially correct. She started typing stuff and said, "Great. You were spot on with the date." She said, smiling. "Now, this is where we're getting a little confused..." she said. "What's wrong?" Chad asked. I was starting to get nervous. I didn't want him to find out this way. I honestly didn't want him to find out at all. "Well, it says that at your last doctor's appointment that a tragic loss was taken, even though you didn't even know you were pregnant. And..." "Whoa, wait, what?!" Chad interrupted her, looking at me with an astonished look. I opened my mouth to respond to him, but I was more interested in hearing what the nurse had to say, so I said, "Continue, please." "No, don't continue," Chad said, raising a hand to stop her. "What the hell, Hayley?! You were pregnant?!" "Chad, can I find out what's wrong, please? We can talk about this later..." "No..." "Yes, actually," the nurse interrupted. "If a guest doesn't obey the peace of the patient, she can order you to leave. I understand your emotions, Mr. Gilbert. But, right now is actually the worst time for this behavior." Chad was still upset, but he just nodded and went to sit over in a chair, waiting.

"Now... back to Miss Hayley..." "Yes." "We have found life inside of you." I was surprised. Taylor was right. I was pregnant. Holy shit. I can't even dare to look over at Chad. "But, but... I thought that there was a mis.. a miscarr..." "That's okay; you don't have to say it. There was a miscarry at that time. But, it appears to be that you're pregnant once again." "Wow." I whispered, barely audible. "But, that's where we're starting to get worried. You were just seriously injured, and we're a little afraid to send you home because... we're afraid that there might be another one." "What? No," I said, tears filling up to the brim. "Not again." "I know, but that's why we're almost certain that we can prevent this kind of thing." Then, Chad stands up and says, "I'm leaving." He gets to the door and the nurse says, "I'm not a therapist, nor do I have a degree in relationship psychology. But, walking away from your wife while she needs is going to take a while to mend back. Don't do this, sir. She needs you badly." "Yeah? Well, what about me? I'm broken, too. And this is all hitting me at once. I'm her husband and I've unknowingly been a father of two children in the last three months. What about the guys' feelings?" "I understand, but she almost got kidnapped. She's scared." "You know what, Chad?" I say. "Just leave if you want. If you don't want an explanation, run off like you always do. I've been through it before... without you...."

With that, he stormed out, and all I found was Taylor on the other side of the door, just waiting his turn to come see me. I was glad to know that I didn't have to explain anything to him. He was my best friend and he wouldn't leave me alone to do this by myself. He knew everything, and he was here to comfort me and make me feel better, and hold my hand through all of this.

But I Love Him, Guys (Chayley)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora