Chpt • 7

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Alexander's p.o.v

" Keep searching. She can't have gone far!" I shouted as they slowly worked their way into trying find my beloved mate.

I stood on top of a rock on watching as they made clear of the place. I know we're close. I can feel it in my chest.

" alex. Your seriously not actually gonna look for her. ". A very familiar voice said. I groaned in agony as I turned to face Rylie Carrie. My ex- girlfriend.

"Yea I'm looking for her. Why do you care. " I said coldly. She fell back and quietly replied. "I d-don't."

I gave her a look and turned to face the crowd that has gathered around the large rock I was on.

I regret dating that skank in the first place. She always causes a scene.

"Alpha Alex, we've been searching for the past four hours. Should we just give it a break and search again in a few hours." My delta Mason said.

I sighed and looked at everyone whom I've asked to come with, and they all look so tired and hungry. I nodded my head and started walking back to the pack house.

I think I'm gonna go mad wanting to find her.

Mintalia's p.o.v

The screaming of innocent children filled my ears. Fire
And Darkness engulfed my once beautiful home.

My once beautiful party.

I look down at my dress,

Torn and shredded at the botton

I scream at the sight of my older brother Anthony, fighting for his life and mine. I scream once I see that it's to late, His throat was ripped off in wolf form... I frantically search for my mother.

My poor pregnant mother.

I look back and I see a big wolf running at me, he jumps towards me snarling...

I wake up in a cold sweat.

My heart thumping loudly in my chest. I look at the time. Its only seven. My stomach is in knots and I'm in a feeling of deep sickness.

I stand up, but quickly regret it as to I get dizzy.

I look in the mirror and look down at my tank top and sweats. I am nothing to look at. I'm not a model. I'm nothing special. So why did they come after me and my family.

His Prized Possession -The  Runaway MateWhere stories live. Discover now