Chapter 10

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One Fine Day:

Chapter 10:

Mai's statement had completely thrown Naru. Either it had been a dream or she had been mistaken. It could have been a lookalike or... Gene. Was it Gene?

His twin had always been fond of feeding ducks in parks at home in England. He himself would simply sit on a bench nearby and pull out a book whilst Gene cooed over the ducks.

That said, it couldn't have been Gene. His brother was back in England and had been the one to get him sent to Japan. If he had wanted to send him to Japan so badly, Gene wouldn't have followed him here. There was no probable motive for Gene to be around.

It couldn't have been Gene.

"Mai, can I talk to you after school?" he hissed in her ear and she accepted.

Bou-san coughed to get their attention.

"Now that you two have stopped whispering in each other's ears, we can get on with it."

Mai flushed in embarrassment and snapped to attention.

"What were you saying, Bou-san?"

"I was talking about returning to the school house on another night to see if any spirits have become accustomed to having human presences around or we could place some monitoring equipment there."

Naru nodded in approval. Takigawa may look the opposite of a typical monk, but he knew some things about ghost hunting. It was fortunate that Lin had brought a good selection of equipment from England with him.

"I have a few cameras and microphones," he said. "I got the idea from Dr. Oliver Davis' book."

"Are they infrared or ultra high sensitive?"

"I have both," Naru answered smugly. The Society for Psychical Research did things properly.

"Excellent, Naru-chan," Bou-san clapped him on the back. "We might solve the mystery sooner than I expected. Matsuzaki-sensei, what do you have to contribute?"

Ayako who had been focused on checking her red painted nails came up with what was a ridiculous suggestion in Naru's opinion.

"The Seven Wonders are clearly the work of an Earthbound spirit."

Naru sighed. He did not see the purpose of adding her to the group if she was going to be like that all the time. On the other hand it was always useful to have a doctor around and he didn't want her to get annoyed at being left out and tell anyone else about the investigation.

"When is everyone else free to go to the school house again?" he asked.

"Shibuya-kun, don't you remember that pile of homework we got in Biology and Maths?" Keiko complained. "It's going to take at least three nights to finish it all."

Naru felt a small amount of pity towards those that weren't as smart as him and couldn't do homework as quickly as he could. He wanted to investigate the school house again as soon as they all could so he offered his help.

"If you like, we can meet after school tomorrow so we can help each other out," he offered. "We can all be free on the following night."

His mother would be proud of him. In his opinion he was becoming more considerate the longer he was in Japan.

"I like that idea," Michiru agreed. "Shibuya-kun is top in everything except from Physical Education so it would be great if he could help us."

Naru inwardly sighed at the Physical Education comment. It wasn't the end of the world that he wasn't the best in the class at Physical Education. Everyone had their one weak subject.

One Fine Day (Ghost Hunt) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now