Chapter 22

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One Fine Day:


Naru placed his chopsticks down and sighed contentedly. Now that he was dating Mai, he ate dinner in her apartment several times a week. It meant he was able to eat something that wasn't take out or ramen with the added bonus of seeing her. Usually Gene managed to invite himself once a fortnight.

"Was it good?" Mai asked. "It is the first time I have made Dobin Mushi."

"It was good," Naru told her warmly.

Mai stacked the dishes and took them out to the tiny kitchen. When she returned Naru had moved from the kotatsu to the sofa and she sat down to join him.

"What should we do now?" she enquired and blushed once she realised how it sounded.

Naru was having a similar problem. Acclimatising to having a girlfriend had its difficulties. Especially when he had no interest in girls or being pleasant to people not related to him beforehand. His eyes fell in Mai's schoolbag which was hanging on a hook on the wall.

"I can help you with your English homework," he volunteered. "It will help you in the future- we will be getting married one day and my parents are English."

Mai's face colour turned even brighter. "That's true."

She retrieved her schoolbag and Naru gave her assistance with the homework questions. He gave her an unrelated test at the end. It was partly just to hear her say the words that he wanted her to and to see how long it would take her to catch on.

"Mai, how do you say hello in English?"




She hesitated briefly due to the difficulty of pronouncing words with Ls in.





"Good looking."

"Good looking."



Naru smirked at her and that was when she realised what she had been tricked into saying.


All she got was a smile in return. She closed her English book and desperately tried to think of a way to outdo him.

"Do you want a Japanese character test to show off how much you've improved?"

Naru was slightly suspicious, but an opportunity to demonstrate his intelligence was too much to pass.

"I'm going to start off easy with Hirigana," she warned.

She drew out a character on a spare sheet of paper and held it up so her boyfriend could see.


Mai drew another one.



Now she held up a Kanji character. This was a little harder for Naru.


"Rearrange them and put the word together," she instructed.

One Fine Day (Ghost Hunt) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now