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My feet carried me back and forth across the room, nerves enforcing the need to pace about the length of the suite. We were leaving America in the morning and heading back to the UK. However, that's not what I was trepident about. You see, Louis and I agreed upon telling everyone tonight about the baby. I was going to be showing soon, so we needed to tell them as soon as possible. Plus, the day after we get back I have an appointment with the OBGYN. I'd be getting my first ultrasound with this baby and, even though it was only four years ago since I'd done this last, it was a bit nerve racking. The last thing I wanted was to be told something was wrong.

It was going on nine o'clock and I knew Louis would be back with everyone any minute. He told them we were all having a film-fest, which we would afterwards, but really it was to lure them in without the impending suspicion of what the "meeting" entails. The doors lock clicked, signalling for me to seize my nervefilled pacing and sit down on the sofa like I'd been awaiting their arrival. I did so and everyone filed into the suite, laughing and smiling.

Once everyone had sat down, I stood up, whispering something to Louis. Silence filled the room, making me even more distressed, as they all looked to us with questioning gazes. They looked around at each other, unsure of the current situation. While they were sending each other sideways glances, I just decided better now than never.

"Guys, I'm pregnant."

Heads whipped round to look at me, wide eyes staring, until I heard an all too familiar shriek from Danielle. Perrie's face grew a wide, excited smile. The boys just stared at Louis which seemed to say to me that they weren't supporting this.

"Lou... Management is going to have your ass."

"Shut up, Zayn! This I a happy moment."

I smiled at Perrie, silently thanking her for backing me up.

"He's right. They aren't going to be all peaches and cream about this."

"Liam, not you too!" Danielle said in disbelief.

"Oh, and, we're engaged."

I looked back at Louis in surprise. He didn't confront me about bringing that up at all. Not once. So, naturally it gave me quite the shock factor.

"You're fucked," Niall added.

"Dear God, can't anyone appreciate the mere existence of this little baby? Who gives a shit what management thinks; they can go suck a banana."

I couldn't help but laugh at Danielle's input. She was right, though. All the boys seemed to be worried about was management, they didn't give a damn about the living thing inside of me. Wow, that sounds so wired... I never thought of it that way until just now. No matter what anyone said, I loved this baby already and I wasn't going to let anyone take me away from that love.

"Like Danielle said, they can suck a banana... Or fifty. What ever it takes to keep them shut up from complaining. This isn't something we can just take back to the store with a receipt. Besides, we're both excited. Right, Audrey?"

I nodded in response, not positive of how actual words would leave my mouth.

"So, are we going to watch movies, or what?" Harry finally joined into the coversation. 


So.... What'd you all think of the first chapter? I know it was short, but it's late here. I just wanted to update it for you guys since you were so excited. Feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts and/or suggestions. 

-Jenna xo

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