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It'd been about a week since the testing and everything had quickly gone back to normal. Louis and Annabelle were like best friends, which is a bit strange considering he's her father, but whatever. I went to the shower and turned on the water, letting it heat up whilst I stripped down to just my underclothes. After testing the waters temperature, I ridded myself of the excess clothing and hopped into the shower.

These showers were really my only 'me time' since I was either watching Annabelle or hanging out with Louis. We hadn't done too much going out to places since I'd been marked as five months along; in the second trimester. It didn't bother me, though; I wasn't used to going out in the first place. Before Louis came along my life consisted of school, work, and taking care of Annabelle.

I turned the faucet off and grabbed a towel, wrapping myself up and stepping out into the cool air. Goosebumps emerged all over my body. This is the part I loath about showers; getting out of the warmth and into the cold. Tell the truth, it was almost fall so it wasn't too terribly cold, but it always seemed that way whenever I exited the confines of the shower.

Going through my drawers, I finally found an outfit; black yoga pants with a purple band and a blue v-neck t shirt. Since I was too obvious now, I wasn't even trying to hide it anymore. It's not like I wore skintight clothing or anything, I just didn't wear anything super baggy.

Whilst I was finishing brushing through my light brown hair, my phone vibrated on the vanity. I picked it up to see I had a new text message.

From Harry: Hey, Audrey. Are you busy?

To Harry: No, not really. Why?

To Audrey: Cause I need to talk to you about something.

To Harry: Okay... When?

To Audrey: ASAP.

To Harry: Alright, I'll get over there in a few. Byee!

Well, that was strange. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about...

I walked down the staircase and got my small bag. After telling Louis I'd be back in a little whilst, I went outside to my car and drive off in the direction of Harry's flat.

Once I reached the flat, I knocked on the door and Harry answered it rather quickly. He invited me inside and I obviously accepted. We sat on the sofa in the sitting room quite awkwardly. So, I decided I'd ask the questions.

"So, why did you need to see me?"

"Oh, I um... I needed to speak with you about something kind of important."

"Which is...?"

"It's uh... I'll be right back."

Harry walked off in the direction of what I supposed was the loo. As I sat waiting patiently my phone vibrated in my purse. I pulled out my phone expecting a text from Louis. Instead I saw that it was from Harry.

To Audrey: I don't really know how to say this, so I typed it. When we went to go get that test done, I never told you that I was secretly hoping it was mine. I don't know why, but I was.

To Harry: What? What do you mean?

"I think I'm in love with you," a voice said almost directly after I sent the text.

I looked up to see Harry standing there looking shameful. Honestly, I kind of pitied him. He was a great guy and all, but this baby was Louis' and I-

But wait, what if I have feelings for Harry too? Crap. This is not good. I wish my hormones would cooperate correctly! Instead I did something I'd probably regret; I walked over and kissed him. I kissed my fiancé's best friend. Dear God, what's wrong with me?!

A/N: Heey guys! So, I have this new idea thanks to a reader (who this chapter is dedicated to). Please don't be mad! I promise you this story would just be boring without drama!  

-Jenna xo

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