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Since Louis wasn't convinced by me, I was calling the OBGYN's office to schedule an appointment for a DNA/blood test. In my mind he was still overreacting; there was no way this baby was Harry's. There just wasn't. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. Motherly instinct I guess.

"Hello, thank you for calling Doncaster Paediatrics. I'm Megan, how may I help you?"

"Hi, Megan. I was wondering if you had an appointment open at some point in the near future for a blood test."

"Who's your doctor, dear?"

"Dr. Strauss."

"Okay, it looks like she's got a slot open today at three o'clock in the afternoon. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect!"

"Good, good. What's your name, honey?"

"Audrey Devine."

"Alright, you're good to go. Have a nice day."

"Thanks, you too."

I hung up the phone and felt relieved that the appointment was today. Louis just wasn't acting like himself and I wanted the guy I fell in love with back. Whoa, wait, what? Did I just say I fell in love with him? Nah, maybe it's just the hormones being all crazy. I've never been in love before... Ever.

Now it was time to call Harry. I'm just praying that he'll agree to doing it. I dialled his number and hit the call button. It took a few rings before he answered.


"Hey, it's Audrey. I-"

"It's not like your face popped up on my phone or anything."

"Oh shut it! This is serious business mister."

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it."

"Ha-Ha very cute. Now, to the point. Louis is being really strange because he thinks that um... That the um... He thinks your the father."

It was silent for a minute and I was getting worried. Before I knew it Harry erupted in laughter on the other end.

"Hey! This isn't funny!"

"Actually, it kind of is. But why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm getting a test done today to see if it is his, which I'm sure it is, and you have to go too."

"You're kidding."


"Why should I even go?"

"Because he's your best mate."

"He's ignoring me. Completely."

"I'm sure he'll come around if you do this. So, please, Harry?"

"I guess. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

I hesitated at first, "Exactly."


Louis, Harry, and I had been sitting in the waiting room for probably an hour now. I wanted to stay until they got the results and they know better than to argue with a pregnant woman. Harry was sat on my left, whilst Louis was on my right, obviously leaving me in the middle.

Quite frankly, I was a bit upset that they weren't getting on very well these past couple weeks. Yes, I said weeks. It's ridiculous, I know. But no one can seem to figure out how to fix the disconnect between them. Maybe, just maybe, these results will help the situation. At least I hope it does.

"Miss Devine?"

I waved my hand and an unfamiliar lady in a white lab coat walked up to the three of us. She held a clear clipboard with some papers on top.

"You're here to get your test results, correct?"


"Okay. So, we just finished the testing a couple minutes ago; I apologise for the wait. Our results say that- err, do you want them here?" she asked gesturing to the boys on my sides.

"They're fine."

"Alright," she took a breath and exhaled as she spoke, "The biological father is Louis Tomlinson."

A smile spread across my face. As bad as I wanted to say 'I told you so' I restrained myself and hugged Louis tightly.

"Thank you," I said to the woman.

She nodded and walked away, disappearing round the back of the desk.

"I'm gonna go," Harry said abruptly.

"Harry, wait," Louis said. Harry turned back round to face him. "Thank you for doing this and I'm sorry about the way I've been acting toward you. I guess I was holding a grudge for no reason."

Harry smiled and they both engulfed each other in a hug. Tears slid down my cheeks. Damn you hormones. The boys saw me and brought me into the hug as well.

Harry left and soon after so did I and Louis. Today turned out to be a good day. Although, I knew it would.


As I laid in bed with my back facing Louis, I tried desperately to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I would turn the other way, but this side was more comfortable for me. Then it happened, the baby kicked. Inside I was freaking out and I would have screamed if it weren't for Louis and Annabelle sleeping. This was so exciting, I had to wake him up.

I called his name a few times and lightly shook his shoulders. He groaned, "What?"

"The baby, it kicked."

His eyes shot open and he looked at my stomach. "Put your hand there and maybe it'll happen again." Sure enough the kicking started up again. It wasn't painful, sometimes it even tickled. The only downfall was the fact that I wouldn't be getting much sleep anymore. But oh well, it's all for good reason. 


Yay, happy chapter!! :D What'd you guys think? 

I'll tell you what I think! I think you should go check out my story "Love Bites" because it's gonna be a good one. Don't ask me how I know, I've just got this feeling. 

Anyways, feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts and/or suggestions. 

-Jenna xo

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