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[ Can you all look at my new story "Secondhand Serenade" on my profile, please. It's going to be a good story. I think so at least... :) ]

The beeping of my alarm clock awoke me at seven thirty this morning. I reluctantly left the warm coziness of the bed and went to get a shower. After finishing my shower, I put my hair up in a towel, got clothes on, and added some natural makeup to my facial features. When I went downstairs Louis and Annabelle were making breakfast... Or at least attempting to. There was pancake batter on the floor next to the stove and by the sink. I raised an eyebrow at them about the mess. They both pointed a finger at each other and I laughed.

"Well, then you're both cleaning it up afterwards," I said, still smiling.

"Fine," they both groaned in unison.

"Hey, it's your mess, not mine. Katie should be here soon and then we can go."

"Why can't I go, mum?"

"Because I'm not sure if they allow little rascals!" I teased, tickling her stomach. She laughed uncontrollably until I stopped and then she caught her breath.

Once Katie arrived at the flat, we left Annabelle in her hands until we got back. The OBGYN's office wasn't too far from the flat so we were there within fifteen to twenty minutes. When we arrived, the schedule seemed to be right on time because we were called back almost immediately.

"Ms. Devine?" a nurse called.

Louis took my hand in his as we walked to where the nurse stood and followed her to the examination room. I was told to sit in the big green recliner-like medical chair in the room whilst the nurse checked my vitals. After she was done we waited about five minutes until the doctor entered the room with her clipboard and stethoscope hung around her neck.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Strauss, but you can call me Amanda," the lady introduced herself, shaking hands with both of us.

"I'm Audrey, and this is Louis."

"So, you two aren't married. Correct?"

"Yes. But we are engaged, if that counts..."

She laughed, "Well, congratulations. Since Sharon checked your vitals we can just get started. Lay back on the chair and just relax. I'm going to lower the top part so that you're lying flat on your back."

I did as she said and the top half of the chair moved backward. She pulled out the gel container after I was laid on my back completely.

"If you could please lift the bottom half of your shirt up."

After I'd followed her instructions, she twisted the cap off of the tube.

"I'm just warning you, this gel is really cold. It'll be spread across your abdomen as I'm looking for the foetus."

I nodded as she squirted a glob of the cold gel onto my stomach. She then grabbed the transducer and moved it round my stomach whilst she looked for the foetus. As she looked at the monitor that neither I nor Louis could see, I bit my lip nervously. Louis sensed my anxiety and held my hand tight. Amanda turned the monitor to face us as she held the transducer on the lower half of my abdomen. A smile spread across my face when I saw the little baby on the screen, getting me to release the air I never realised was being constricted during my neurotic moment.

"So, Audrey, you're four months, almost five months, along in your pregnancy. You'll need to come back next Wednesday, you're five month mark. Then we'll be able to configure if it's a male or female. Good news is that you're in your second trimester and the baby's doing great. Brain development is perfect, muscle development, and everything else is just incredible."

"Thank you."

"That's okay! Do you want pictures?"

"Um.. Yeah, please."

"Alright, here you go."

She handed me black and white pictures of the area where the baby laid. He or she was beautiful already, didn't matter what the sex was. The only thing that worried me was Louis. He hadn't spoken a single word the entire time. Was he scared? Did he not want this anymore? Amanda cleaned off my stomach and let us go on our way back to the flat.

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