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IMPORTANT: You guys seem to love this so I am writing a story called "Pregnancy Payne" if you're interested in something similar but quite different. Check it out, please! :) xx

"Daddy?" Annabelle asked quietly.

"Yes, love?"

"Does mommy like uncle Harry?"


"Cause she told aunt Danielle that they kissed today."

They did what? I think I just felt my heart shatter and anger boil inside of me at the same time. I thought she said she didn't have any feelings for him. What do I know anyway. Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn't want me anymore. Cause, you know, all the girls want Harry. ALL of them. Even my fiancé.

You know what, I'm not even going to say anything. If she really loves me then she'll tell me. I would like to have a talk with Harry, though. He thinks he can just waltz in and steal Audrey from me? Well, then he's got another thing coming.


Whilst Audrey put Annabelle to bed I stayed in the sitting room. I flipped through the channels but nothing interested me. All I could think about was how she still hasn't told me. It hurt to know that. To me that was just a plain "I don't really love you".

After some time of just blankly stating at the screen where Criminal Minds was on, I'd done some thinking. If Audrey doesn't tell me, I'll just have to confront Harry. If Harry lies about it, well, then I'll have to confront Audrey about what Annabelle said. But what if Annabelle overheard incorrectly? That's always a possibility. Then I'll just look like an arse.

Audrey came down the stair case and sat next to me, nuzzling into my side. As much as I wanted to just push her off, I didn't because then she'd know that I knew something was up. Instead, I put my arm round her shoulders tightly like I usually would. She brought her legs up onto the sofa and laid her head in my lap. Even though I was hurt and a little mad, I couldn't get over her natural beauty. Right now would be a good time to see if she'd fess up, though.

"Where did you go earlier?" I asked, curving my interest to the telly even though my ears were intently awaiting her reply.

"Uh... I just went to Harry's..." she replied as she fiddled with a strand of hair.

"Why?" I asked, trying to make myself sound more curious than suspicious.

"He said he needed to talk to me ASAP, so I went," she answered.

"Oh," was all I could muster up. I didn't want to seem like I was onto them.

Audrey's POV

When Annabelle's bedtime rolled around, I found her asleep sprawled across the sofa whilst Louis was sat in the recliner.

"I'm going to go take her up," I told him quietly.

He nodded as I picked her up, slightly stirring her from her sleep. When I got to her room and gently set her down, I couldn't believe the almost silent words that left her mouth.

"Mummy, do you like uncle Harry?"

"Annabelle, I think you need some sleep, love."

"But yo-you kissed him..."

"Ssh, no pumpkin. Just get some rest."


"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."

"And if they do, hit 'em with a shoe."

"Mama loves you."

"I love you too."

I gently kissed her forehead and turned off the lamp on her nightstand. Getting up from my spot on her bed, my feet quietly carried me out of the room. After I shut the door to her room, I went back to the sitting room where Louis was. He seemed to be paying attention to something on the telly. I sat down beside him and nuzzled into his side. Although some strange events happened today, I still felt that pull toward Louis. I never felt that toward Harry. Therefore, I'm sticking to my heart and staying with Louis. I just need to tell him somehow.

"Where did you go earlier today?" Louis inquired, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh..." I hesitated, "I just went to Harry's."

"Why?" he asked seemingly curious.

"He said he needed to talk to me ASAP, so I went," I replied truthfully.

"Oh," was all he said.

It sounded kind of like an 'oh' that was one that said 'I know you're not telling me something' type of oh. I needed to tell him. I just hope to God he isn't angry with me.

"Louis," I paused as he looked down at me now lying across his lap, "I... We... Ugh... I kissed him." 

I closed my eyes preparing for the worst and trying to hold back tears at the same time.

"Hey... Hey, look at me," he said calmly.

Hesitantly, I obliged and opened my eyes. Mine and his blue eyes connected in a way that I'd never known possible until now. It was an understanding, an equilibrium, and love.

"I know that you kissed him. Annabelle overheard you and Danielle," he said in an even tone of voice.

"You're not mad?" I asked full of astonishment inside, but trying to cover it with concern in my tone.

"You told me the truth, and that's all that matters."

I smiled.

"Well, unless you're leaving me..."


We both smiled and he leaned over to meet my lips in a quick kiss which quickly became multiple kisses. Just as the kissing was getting more heated I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I gasped into the kiss and squeezed my eyes due to the pain.

"Louis... I-I... Think I'm... Going into... Labour," I breathed out throughout the gut wrenching pains.

"But you're only six months?" he asked worriedly.

"Ever... Heard of... Premature... Babies?"

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