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[I'll update again when my story "Love Bites" gets 100 reads, 30 comments, & 28 votes.]

"Audrey, c'mon before we're late."

I rushed down the steps and to the front door where I met Louis. He opened the front door and gestured for me to go first.

"My lady," he said.

"Why, thank you," I replied in a posh tone, holding a hand to my chest dramatically.

We both laughed and then descended down the few steps to the drive. After we were in the car I took a deep breath. Louis and I had decided to find out the sex of the baby today. It was five months, after all, as of today. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

We arrived at the office and sat in the waiting room for a bit until my name was called. Once it was, we went through the same routine as the time before. Sharon, the nurse, took my vitals and made sure that everything was properly functioning with my body by asking multiple questions.

Then, finally, Dr. Strauss entered the room. She did the ultrasound and it showed the baby moving slightly. It was so slight, however, that I couldn't feel it. She said that the baby would start kicking at some point soon. Now it was time for her to tell us the sex of the baby.

"You both ready for this?" she asked, conscious of the tension.

I took a deep breath, "Yes."

Louis nodded, still confusing me with his silence during such an exciting and once-in-a-lifetime experience.

"Okay, well, from what I can see, you are expecting a little baby girl."

My face lit up, happy to finally know the gender of my child. Louis was smiling too, despite his awkward and unusual mute behaviour. Honestly, I was kind of hoping for a boy, as I already have a little girl, but it doesn't matter to me as long as it's healthy.

Once we got into the car and had been driving for a bit, I decided to confront Louis about his abnormal behaviour.

"So, what's up with you?"


"You've been really quiet this whole time and every time we talk about the baby. Do you not want this anymore?"

"It's just... No, I do want it."

"Doesn't seem like it."

"Cause what if it's not mine!?"

The raise of volume in Louis' voice shocked me. He'd never been angry before... Or even yelling, for that matter.

"Who else w-"

"Harry. You slept with Harry."

"How did you-"

"I'm not stupid. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that the night we went to the club you left with Harry and if any girl leaves with Harry they end up sleeping with him."

"You make him sound like such a horrid person."

"He can be."

"That's not true."

His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Then maybe it is his baby if you're being so defensive-"

"Because you're being ridiculous!"

"Maybe you should be engaged to him."

"Louis... Don't..."

"I'm just speaking my mind."

"And I really wish you would shut up," I muttered to myself.

I can't believe we just had a fight. That was our first, but it was so stupid. There's no way that this baby is Harry's. Absolutely no way. If it was I think I would've known beforehand.

"Do you want me to get a test?"

"You mean a blood test?"

"Yeah. I know this baby is yours, but if you want a test, then by all means just say so."


"Is that a yes?"

"I guess."

Ugh, why does he insist upon this baby being Harry's? It's just absurd. I've been on the pregnancy pill and I'm pretty sure Harry used a condom. There's just no chance. At least I don't think so. But what do I know? 


So this was kind of a filler chapter. Sorry about how boring it was. :( Anyway, would you guys check out the story "She's Mine" on my profile (it involves Louis). Thanks if you do!  

Feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts and/or suggestions.  

-Jenna xo

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