Chapter 24

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  'You have to click there to save it,'Sharon told her mother. Joan brought the mouse carefully to said button and electronically saved Jason's appointment for the first time. Her brows furrowed as she went to the calendar. Once she saw the information was there, her brows cleared and, jumping up, she hugged her daughter.

'Oh, thank you, sweetie. I've had experience being a secretary in the old days and such but all these lights and buttons confuse me soo much. Being as poor as we were, I've had no training in this. Nor were there any companies willing to hire me once my skills went obsolete,'Joan gushed. April just laughed and returned her hug. It was especially comforting after the day she had.

'Thanks, Mom. For just now,'she answered in regards to the questioning look Joan sent her. Her face softened and she moved to place a kiss on April's forehead. But a force of nature erupted and swiped her daughter out of her arms.

'What happened? Why are you crying? Don't lie to me, April. I know those are tear tracks on your cheeks. Did Joan say anything mean to you? Because if she did, I'll have her out in a heartbeat-'

'Jason, stop. My mom didn't do what you implied. In fact, I'm glad she's here,'April said, placing a finger on Jason's lips.

'Are you sure?'he asked suspiciously around her finger, turning skeptical eyes on Joan.

'Yes,'his girlfriend said exasperatedly. She appreciated his care but sometimes, he just went overboard with it.

'Then why are there tear tracks? Don't tell me it's water. I know tears when I see it,'he peered worriedly into her eyes.

'I was upset and overwhelmed. The articles first thing in the morning. We even made it on the first page! Then this female person approached us at the restaurant, spouting lies the media have fed her and trying to get Amelia and Sharon to go with her. The logic being they didn't want me with them in the first place but were too polite to say no when i joined. Of course, we set her in her place but, somehow, she offended Sharon so greatly that the crazy pregnant woman actually lunged across that table and grabbed her hair. Then the manager kicked us out. It was soo unfair. The woman approached us first. And said soo many hurtful and offensive things. It's just not fair,'she cried out.

During her rant, she'd broken out of Jason's hold and paced about the room. She felt soo out of sorts. Unlike her usual self. Normally, she was able to put things into perspective, even when panicking. But today, everything was just coming at her all at once and she couldn't take a step back. She felt soo lost and alone. And she felt that, since Jason was soo used to the limelight, he didn't understand her. She didn't have any friends growing up so had become an intensely private person. To suddenly have the entire world become interested in every little aspect of her life was mind-boggling and uncomfortable.

'April, you know I'll be there for you. Even under the media microscope,'Jason finally said, gently placing his arms around her, stopping her frantic movement. She tried to put some distance between them but the unrelenting pressure on her shoulder blades forced her to rest against his chest. Even so, she kept as much distance between them as possible. Ordinarily, she felt comfort being in his arms but today, anger grew instead. A flaming, fiery rage that came from nowhere. She just couldn't understand the animosity she was suddenly feeling but knew she had to explain it.

'I know that. At least my mind does but something in me is placing all these stuff on you. The cameras. The reporters. My sudden lack of freedom. The twins' lack of freedom. I don't like it and it's all your fault,'she grumbled, pushing him away and storming off. Feeling the room closing in around her, she had to get away. To breathe. To think.

And to get away from him. The root of it all. Even as her heart cried out for him.

- --------@@@@@--------

Jason was stunned. He hadn't expected April to react in that manner. He'd told her, countless times, that he would always be there for her. To protect her. To support her. No matter what anyone else said. So he didn't understand her outburst. And, for once in his life, it hurt.

'Don't let this come between you,'Joan said, sliding her arm into his. Soo focused on April, he'd forgotten of her presence and jumped.

'How can I not let it? Didn't you hear her? She blames me. For everything. Even when I told her I'll always be with her. What else does she want from me?'he growled, masking his pain with anger.

'Understanding,'Joan said sharply. He turned bewildered eyes on her. 'Look, you have to understand. She didn't have any, let me stress any, friends growing up. Some of it was due to her father but most of it was due to her personality. She doesn't like to show her inner thoughts, emotions. It makes her feel too vulnerable. So she bottles it up. Of course, some people may take her quiet as easy target but she'd always been able to put it in perspective. "Only one more year,"she always says. And that helps to siphon off her negative emotions, problems.

'Now, with the papers and media jumping at her, she can't find the space or time to take a step back. To look at the bigger picture. So it all pours out of her in one big explosion. In fact, you should take this in a positive not. It shows a level of trust I have never seen her entrust to anyone before,'Joan told him, keeping a firm hold on him but looking anywhere but at him.

Jason felt his heart soften. She was clearly uncomfortable with the frank talk but would do it for her daughter. If that wasn't a testament of her love for her child, he didn't know what was. And he could see the similarities between the mother and daughter duo.

They're both reticent but were willing to break that shell for their loved ones. As Joan was doing for April. And as April always did for the twins. And him. He couldn't forget how she took charge when he was sick. Butting heads with Janice and his idiot of an ex-vice-president. He had believed he was starting to fall for her then. Maybe even before. But that's when he had been aware he had feelings for her.

So it wasn't much of a surprise when he felt his anger abate. His arms came around Joan. And, just like her daughter, she involuntarily flinched from the initial contact but relaxed into him a few moments later.

'I understand what you're saying but how do I make this better? Because I don't think my usual methods would work this time,'he muttered.

'Usual method? You mean showering her with money?'Joan asked, her voice ringing with a note of derision. Jostling her slightly, he nodded nonetheless. 'You can do that but, let me tell you, that method rings of insincerity. And you're still not addressing the underlying issue. She doesn't think you're understanding her side. All she sees is you going to work and not doing anything to keep those reporters away.'

'That's not true. I am on her side. I'll always be on her side. Why would she ever think that-'

'Do not kill the messenger,'Joan grumbled, making him stop.

'I just don't understand it. I assumed that, since she's being soo calm with it, she didn't mind those sharks shoving their cameras and microphones into her face.'

'She was. When she thought they were only interested in you. But when they turned their beady eyes on her, it all became too close for comfort. Anyway, you know what they say about assuming. It'll make an ass of you and me,'she said hardly. Then she relaxed and continued,'If you'd looked out for it, April had some signs that showed her anxiety.'

'I didn't know that. How am I supposed to know what to look for? This is the first time I've been in a relationship. A serious, committed relationship,'he admitted reluctantly. Then looking at her, utterly clueless, he asked the most important question. 'How do I make this work, Joan? I'm as lost as April right now. I want to make this better but I don't know how.'

'Why don't you ask your friends in there? I'm sure you'll think of something.'

AN: Hey guys. SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I know that I have a schedule but:

1. I didn't expect the sudden surge of support and clamor for updates so, bowing under pressure, I'm uploading this 4 days early; and
2. I have an end to this. After all this time, I know how I'm going to end AB and it's made me soo excited!! Words are pouring out of me.

So, in light of those two points, I have a new updating schedule. It's either:

1. I finish another chapter; or
2. 5 days has passed.

Whichever comes LATER. So, if 5 days has passed and I have not uploaded, please know I'm having a bit of trouble getting my fingers to type what my head is showing. Which is entirely possible because I'm working.

DO NOT flood me with messages if yhis comes to pass (or is it past?) I do keep to my schedule but I can't write if I feel pressured.

Anyway, can I know how you guys found my book? Like was it recommended by a friend? Or when you were reading another book and moving to the next chapter when my book popped up? If so, what book? I'm just curious. :)

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