Chapter 1

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Hey guys and welcome to my new book! What the hell am I doing with my life? Why the hell am I writing some so graphic like this? This is going to be even more sexual that "I'm a pet~". And this time I promise that I will put effort into these chapters. I will make every chapter at least 1000 words long, just like my other books. This will be treated as a book, not just something on the side that I can update whenever I feel like. 

Ok I would just like to start out by saying thank you to everyone who has been supporting me! You guys are the reasons why I write. So if you are new, I would really appreciate if you would drop a like and comment :). It lets me know that people are actually reading this heap of shit.

So with the story, I'm going to be basing it off of Fifty Shades of Grey Incase you haven't figured it out. You do not need to know what the story is about or watch the movie (don't watch it kids). Just, don't watch it. It's really bad.

For the people who have watched it, you know what you are in for. I'm going to change quite a bit of it though. For example, the sex scenes are going to be different, the characters wants and needs will be different, Jerome's story behind why he does such things will be different, and I think I will change the end. But I may not because of Fifty Shades Darker. We shall see.

Anyway! Thank you all for reading this far!

Enjoy the very first chapter!

Peace out

Mitch's POV

The wheels of my car roll quickly against the highway. The heater processes hot air into my little car. I'm surprised it even works anymore. The radio plays some pop hits at the moment. I sigh. Well, Hi, my name is Mitchell Hughes. I'm twenty years old and live in Seattle. I am currently studying literature at college and on my final year.

Right now, I'm going to the heart of Seattle to interview the multibillionaire, Jerome Aceti. My roommate, Lachlan, has come down with the flu. He is currently studying at the same college as me, but majoring in Journalism. He was given the task of coming up with a story for the colleges newspaper. But because of his sudden illness, I have to go interview Mr Aceti.

There is no way that anyone is going to turn down an interview with him. His is very mysterious and quiet. And he still manages to contribute many things to society today. He is only a year older then me And he had to take up such a brutal, hard working job. But I can't see why he would be complaining, he literally swims in the money that the company is making!

I sigh and turn the music up in my car a little. It's very cold at the moment. I shiver a little but continue to drive nevertheless. I can't turn the heater up because my heap of shit of a car can't handle it. It's flat out as it is. So I man up a little and continue to drive.

As I make it into the city, the traffic starts to get worse. Lucky I went early because of the bad traffic at this time of day. I start humming to the song on the radio as I sit in the traffic. After about ten minutes of sitting in pretty much still traffic, I make it to the front of the Aceti building, one of the biggest buildings in the city. It's pure back. The glass that makes up almost the entire building is stained black, the beams are black, even the front doors are black.

I pull up the hand break and grab my books and notes on the passenger seat. I get out of the car and lock the doors. Once I'm out, I fix my white shirt and red and black checkered jumper over the top. I'm also wearing skinny jeans. I high my books in front of me and walk up to the doors in a desperate attempt to escape the bitter wind. After dogging multiple people walking, I make it to the doors.

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