Chapter 4

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Thank you thank you thank you for all of the support you guys have been giving me! Holly shit! It's ridiculous! But don't stop! I love to hear what you guys think of my work

Anywhore, enjoy the bonus chapter XD


I unlock the door to Lachlens and I's apartment. Jerome stands behind me. I open the door to see that Lachlan and the indian guy are making out of the couch. Yep, lachy got some last night. But they are naked, which is making me very uncomfortable. Jerome stands next to me and looks at the scene himself. Lachlan is on the bottom while vikk straddles him.

Vikk finally realises that we are here and the smirks. He pulls away. Lachy sits up and smiles in my direction when he sees I'm with Jerome. They both get dressed and then walk up to us. Vikk shakes my hand. I smile kindly. "You must be Mitch. Pleasure to meet you." He says. He has a British accent but looks indian... Ok? I blush a little and nod. Vikk then greats his brother and kisses lachy one last time. "See you soon, little lachy~" he cooes and then leaves.

Yep, the two of them are in love.

Jerome looks to me. "Well, I'll see you soon Mitchell." He says, a smirk forming on his face. I nod. He also leaves, leaving Lachlan and I alone. I turn to Lachlan and raise an eyebrow. He smirks. "So, you and vikk get it on?" I ask innocently. He laughs a little.

"Yes, but I'm more curios about you and Aceti." He says, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes in a playful manor. I role my eyes and walk into the kitchen to raid it for food. I pull out the stuff to make a peanut sandwich because I'm just that awesome. He follows me in and sits down. I make him one while I'm at it. He stares at me the whole time with an idiotic smile on his face. His stare is starting to get a little annoying. So I look up.

He continues to smile at me, making me cave in. "We just kissed." I say and continue to make the sandwiches. Once I've finished them, I give one to him also. He thanks me. I take a bite out of it. "Just kissed? Just kissed? That's a big deal Mitch! Perhaps you have finally found your prince in shinning armour." He jokes. I groan and role my eyes in a playful. "If only." I whisper under my breath.

That afternoon, Jerome texted me asking if I could come over to his apartment that night. I answered faster then the speed of light, saying that I would love to. I'm not doing anything anyway. Just reading and watching movies with lachy.

Heh, when I told lachy about this, he told me to use protection. I swear to god, I want to kill him. But I love him too much. The main reason why I said I would go is because I want to learn more about him. There is still so much I don't know about him, it's intriguing.

At around five, he comes around. I grab my stuff and leave, but not without a smirk from lachy. I role my eyes and leave.

The drive is in a comfortable silence. Neither of us are willing to spark up a conversation, Which is fine with me. I've learnt that his butlers name is Rob. He is a quite nice guy.

Anyway, we made to a high rise building which is where I assume his apartment is. We make our way up to the apartment via escalator. Unfortunately, there was not kissing much to my disappointment. But once the elevator door open to his apartment, I gape at it.

The please is absolutely beautiful. It's at least three times as big as Lachlan's and i's including in hight and size, and that just the first floor! To the left is a stair way leading to the upstairs. To the right down a couple of steps is the lounging area with a massive window looking out at the dark city that has been lit up by lights.

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