Chapter 9

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Mitch's POV

I sigh as I start filling up the racks on the shelf at the department store. It's been a week since Jerome and I had fun in the playroom, and a week since we have talked. I do admit, I actually enjoyed it. But it's very clear that Jerome was holding himself back. I know he so badly wants to fuck me so hard until I start mumbling incoherently. And I know how much I want him to do so. Holly shit, what the hell am I thinking.

A smile appears on my face as I finish off my shift. As soon as I get in my car, my phone goes off. I open it to see Jerome has texted me.

"I'm growing old." it reads. I shake my head and think for a moment. I really want to be with Jerome, and it seems that the only way its going to happen is if I sign the contract. I think it's time that I loose control of my body. I think it's time that I give myself up completely. And I think it's time that Jerome learns who really has all the control.

"I want to sign the contract." I send, but quickly add, "but under my own conditions.". Not a moment he replies. "Should I call a business meeting tonight ;)?" I laugh a little.

"I'll make sure to wear my tux and bow tie like the good boy I am." I tease.

"Haha, Rob will come and pick you up in a couple of hours." He answers. I click my phone off and drive my shitty little bomb back to my apartment. Lachlan is at Vikk's place for a couple of days. Mainly so they can bang. I wonder if Vikk is Daddy AF? Heh, I should call Jerome daddy. I'm sure he would like it because he is kinky as fuck.

My god, what was once my innocent mind is now destroyed into the state of a fangirls. And that has to be one of the lowest states your mind can ever go in.

Anyway, I get ready, putting on my tux and putting the contract and pencil into a folder. Not long after, I hear a knock at my door. I open it to see rob. He smiles and I smile back. We get in the car and drive into the city in silence. I play with my fingers in nerves. If Jerome doesn't get rid of the things I don't want to do, I'm not signing the contract. I know some limits that I am not willing to push.

Rob pulls up out the front of the Aceti building. I step out and make my way inside to see someone standing there waiting for me. It's the same chick that let me in for the first interview I had Jerome. She smiles at me. "This way, Mr Hughes." She says and then walks away, I follow her to a room that is dimly lit. There is a long table with two tables either end. Jerome stands there is a suit with a tie instead of a bow. Fuck he looks so hot with a suit on.  I give him a look and then go and sit down at one of the ends of the table, placing my stuff on the glass.

Jerome then sits at the other end and the other people leave. The two of us are alone. I sigh and look at Jerome who is watching me intently. I grab the contract and pencil I packed. It's only then I realise that I'm using the pencil Jerome gave me during the interview.

I clear my throat. Jerome has a copy of the contract infront of him too along with a pencil. I open mine up to see questions and things scribbled all of the page.

"Ok Jerome. I want to sign this contract but there are some things I want to discuss first." I say, looking him dead in the eye, showing no emotion. He nods.

I clear my throat again and look down at my contract, "On page 3, 15.19 The Submissive shall not touch or pleasure himself sexually without permission from the Dominant. Does this only apply to the playroom or when I'm not with you as well?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He plays with the pencil in his hand and looks at me.

"It applies weather you are with me or not." He says smirking a little. I sit up more straight, not letting my face change. "Change it so I can when we are not together." I say, no hesitation in my voice. Jerome looks down and starts to write on his contract. Don't blame me, I'm a hormonal boy. He can't expect me to get brutally fucked from Friday nights to Monday mornings and then not jack off thinking about those times. He looks back up, waiting to see what else I have in store.

I look down and turn to the next page.  "Page 4, Exercise: The Dominant shall provide the Submissive with a personal trainer four times a week in hour-long sessions at times to be mutually agreed between the personal trainer and the Submissive. The personal trainer will report to the Dominant on the Submissive's progress." I read out and look up to him. He looks up to me.

"Change that to twice a week." I say bluntly. Fuck doing four hours of exercise. Bro, I'm a couch potato. All I do in my spare time is watch anime and read. If I had my way, I wouldn't have to do any at all, but I know Jerome wouldn't be happy about that. Jerome writes it down in his book. And looks up, smiling a little.

"Why?" He asks playfully. I glare at him. "Jerome, I'm a couch potato. If I'm not working or studying I'm watching anime while eating a massive packet of Doritos." I answer honestly. Jerome chuckles lightly and nods, signalling for me to go on.

"Page 6, Bondage with tape." I say and then look up. "Cross that out." I say bluntly. Jerome crosses it out. "What else would you use?" I ask out of curiosity. He smirks.

"Cable ties." He answer plainly. I pale. He literally bought fresh bondage supplies when I served him at the checkout a few months ago. Jesus he is so kinky. I sigh and look down, making Jerome smirk.

"Cock and Ball torture, cross that out, right now." I hiss. Jerome laughs a little at my reaction. "I've never had anyone agree to that, so I'm not surprised." He says honestly. I nod and close the contract. I've already filled out the questions in the contract.

"Ok Mitch, since you want to be a couple so bad, I'm going to throw something in. Every Friday night, we go out and do something, just like a regular couple." He says. My heart flutters and I nod instantly. That would be nice. Now I really want to sign this contract.

I sigh again and look at the front sheet. Down the bottom there is a place for the submissive to sign. I stare at it for a moment. Do I really want to do this? I mean, sure, whynot? It only lasts for three months and if Jerome goes past my safe words, I get to terminate the contract. If you think about it, the submissive has all the power. I will have all the power in this relationship.

Jerome then comes up beside me, leaning on the table as he looks at me looking at the contract. He then holds out a pen. I take the pen and roll it between my fingers. Jerome doesn't say anything. I gulp and then sigh. I place the pen to the paper, where the submissive's signature goes.

Then I sign the contract.

Once I'm done with my signature, I place the pen on top of the contract and lean back, looking at Jerome. Jerome leans over, grabs the pen and then signs his name also. Nerves rattle through my body. Sure enough, the contract has been signed. I take a deep breath and look at Jerome who smiles at me.

"So...what now?" I ask. He smirks and grabs my hand, causing me stand up. "Now, you come to my place for some fun." He says and then winks. I blush and giggle a little. "Of course,



Sorry it's short


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