Chapter 7

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Hey guys, we have hit 1K reads. ALREADY!!?? HOLLY SHIT, I ONLY POSTED THIS STORY LIKE, TWO WEEKS AGO! You guys are awesome!

Also guys, practically most of this chapter is going to be the contract between the Dom and Sub. Read it with caution, make sure you take every word in. This contract will play a large part in the rest of the book, ESPECIALLY the end. (For people who have seen the movie, I'm changing the ending to how the book ended it >:) ) Btw, I'm going to skip some of the terms and conditions because yolo. Hehe

Mitch's POV (As always)

The following are the terms of a binding contract between the Dominant and the Submissive.

I read while sitting on my bed. Looks like this is going to take a while. I sigh and lean back against my pillows and look at the contract, Turing the page.


1) The fundamental purpose of this contract is to allow the Submissive to explore his sensuality and his limits safely, with due respect and regard for his needs, his limits and his wellbeing.

2) The Dominant and the Submissive agree and acknowledge that all that occurs under the terms of this contract will be consensual, confidential, and subject to the agreed limits and safety procedures set out in this contract. Additional limits and safety procedures may be agreed in writing.

I gulp a little as I continue reading on.


7) The Dominant shall take responsibility for the wellbeing and the proper training, guidance, and discipline of the Submissive. He shall decide the nature of such training, guidance, and discipline and the time and place of its administration, subject to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above.

8) If at any time the Dominant should fail to keep to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above the Submissive is entitled to terminate this contract forthwith and to leave the service of the Dominant without notice.

9) Subject to that proviso and to clauses 2-5 above the Submissive is to serve and obey the Dominant in all things. Subject to the agreed terms, limitations and safety procedures set out in this contract or agreed additionally under clause 3 above he shall without query or hesitation offer the Dominant such pleasure as he may require and he shall accept without query or hesitation his training, guidance and discipline in whatever form it may take.

I sigh and grab a drink from my glass of water next to the bed. I continue to read through the contract, concentrating on every word and term Jerome has.


15.1) The Dominant shall make the Submissive's health and safety a priority at all times. The Dominant shall not at any time require, request, allow or demand the Submissive to participate at the hands of the Dominant in the activities detailed in Appendix 2 or in any act that either party deems to be unsafe. The Dominant will not undertake or permit to be undertaken any action which could cause serious injury or any risk to the Submissive's life. The remaining sub-clauses of this clause 15 are to be read subject to this proviso and to the fundamental matters agreed in clauses 2-5 above.

15.2) The Dominant accepts the Submissive as his, to own, control, dominate and discipline during the Term. The Dominant may use the Submissive's body at any time during the Allotted Times or any agreed additional times in any manner he deems fit, sexually or otherwise.

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