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Ok soo today I'm going to do a little about me thingie, since I was tagged by @scarletcat367. 

So here we go:

Nickname : Tiff... Kinda boring right...but I like it!

Eye color: black really really black. (Black butler!!) but I want to have either eyes like Kaneki Ken from Tokyo Ghoul. Or maybe blood red like Sebastion Michaelis from Black Butler. Or maybe yellow and green. But if had to choose a more natural color....then light blue.

Hair color: black really really black. But if I dyed it it would be blue!

Something random about me: OK so I am a psycho when it comes to anime, manga and like Hatsune Miku. Dream room up in the pics.
I would like horror RPG games but I hate horror movies.

Favorite color: turquoise aquablue and black....and...titan green

Favorite place: I don't know soooo, ummm water parks buffets. Oh wait I know anime and manga stores and anime cons!!!!

Fav actor: Jack Black, Robin Williams , and Taylor Lautner.

Favorite Animals: sea creatures(not sharks..sorry) and dogs!!!

Favorite song: the opening to Tokyo Ghoul so good and painful... Growl by EXO and basically a lot of vocolaid songs.

Favorite Book: duuuuhhhh! Ouran Highschool Host Club! And Black butler. Basically all manga! And Percy Jackson series.

And we'll that's it guys!

And now I tag

And I don't feel like doing more.

So bye!

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