Chapter One

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I waited in line. Waiting for my fate. Once you were captured, you were going to die. The silver shackles around my wrists and ankles restricted me from moving quickly. Once the vampire on the stage had been killed in front of all the humans, the next vampire in line would walk up and take their place on the stage. The rest of us would slowly shuffle down, awaiting out fate. I looked around to see the other vampire. We all varied. I had bright green eyes, long black hair, and I was slim. The vampire behind me had plain brown eyes, grey hair and bad posture. I could tell he was over 200 years old. The myth of my kind is that we live forever. We don't. The average is about 500 years. We are not immortal, nor do we burn in sunlight, hate garlic and holy water does not affect us. Myths are what make my kind furious. Myths are just like rumours, except Myths last for hundreds of years.

The line began to shuffle forward again. I was getting closer. I began to contemplate on my life. Did I live my life to the fullest? Of course not, I had only ever killed six humans. I was not like the rest of the vampires. I didn't feast on the human flesh. I drink my blood from blood bags. I was hardly a vampire in fact. I loved to among the humans. To them, I was a normal human being, living among them, causing no trouble at all. I had a normal human job; I was a model. I was just starting out though, so I was not well known, just yet.

My face was down, my eyes staring at the dirt. The line began to shuffle forward again, I shuffled along with them. We heard a loud bang coming from the large wooden gates which imprisoned us. Someone was knocking on it. The line took quick glances at the gates. "Alright scum! Turn around. Do not move out of this line!" One of the head guards commanded us. We followed his instructions and faced the front. He walked to the back, where the wooden gates were located. He peeped through a small hole in the gate and signalled a guard in a high tower to open the gates. The gates began to open slowly. We heard a high pitched squeal, but the human guards did not. We turned around and saw the head guard fall to the ground; his throat had been ripped out. A figure began to walk in. Then more figures began to appear. There were about 200 vampires standing at the gates. The first vampire who walked in hissed and the vampires disbanded. As I looked around, I noticed that the guards were being killed by the vampires.

The vampires then came to each of us and cut off our shackles with iron cutters. The lead vampire hissed, and we surrounded around him. He had long black hair; big blue eyes surrounded by eyeliner and was extremely muscular. I thought he was quite attractive. "Hello, my name is Drake. I heard about this vampire murder spree and I decided to pay them a visit. You all should not have been treated this way. I would like to invite you all back to my village until you are all fit and healthy". Many of the vampires were unsure of what to do. "There is plenty of blood and humans to drink from there also!" Drake proclaimed.

Every vampire’s spirits arose, and they were no more unsure. They followed Drake's pack out of the wooden gates and into a large forest. Drake stayed behind to watch the crowd from the back. I was at the back. I began to follow the crowd into the forest. I saw Drake give me a glance. He smiled at me. I blushed and smiled back, then continued to look straight ahead and follow the crowd. The crowd began to speed up. They were running in high speed using their running powers. I followed using my powers, and we soon around at a small village. There were large homes, fitting at least 20 vampires in each. I was the last to choose a home. I choose a large white house, which did not have any vampires in at the time. I was glad. I hated living with vampires. They would always talk about their latest kill, or the innocent human they had just raped. I was sickened by these types of vampires. I was more civilised. It is probably because I was turned when I was sixteen. I am now 23, but I look like a 17 year old.

I walked around the large house, trying to find out where the rooms were located. The house was fully furnished. Most of the furniture was either white or black. I walked up a large black and white stairs case. Upstairs there were three bedrooms, all with on suites, a smoke lounge full of bongs, and a computer room. I walked into the smoke lounge and stared at the bongs. I sat on the white couch facing the table full of bongs. The couch was very soft and comfortable. I reached for the bong closet to me, going to inspect it, but someone poked me on the shoulder. I shot up out of the couch, turned around to see who it was, showing my fangs. Drake was behind me. He smirked a little at my admiration. "Whoa calm down, I am no threat". I covered my fangs back up in my mouth. I felt my cheeks go red in embarrassment. "So, uh, what are you doing in my house?" He asked with that smirk on his face.

"Oh, I didn't know it was yours. I am so sorry! I now understand why the vampires didn't come here...” I trailed off at the end. How could I have been so stupid? "Um, I’ll just leave and find another house." I began to walk away but he stopped me. He was looking down on me, and I was looking up at him. Our eyes connected, and we were stood in an intimate trance. I again realised how attractive this man was. He looked about 18 years old. I like them young. "So, what's your name beautiful?" He asked me in a seductive voice.

"Melody. May I please get passed? I do need to find a place to live." I replied. I did not want to leave his gaze, but I didn't want to be rude. He smirked at me again, and did not move. We stood there staring into each other’s eyes, which felt like hours. He moved his left hand towards my waist, I noticed the muscular arms. I loved muscles. Drake pulled me closer, he whispered in my ear, "Why don't you stay here with me?" He pulled me even closer to him. My breasts were touching his chest. I could hear him breathing down my ear, very calmly. I hadn't had a partner for a long time. I moved back and looked back into his eyes. "I'd love to stay". I seductively said to him. A small smile arose across my face. His face came closer to mine, his eyes stared at my lips, and I stared into his eyes. His face was so close to mine, a huge smile came across his face. "Great! There's a spare room next to mine. You can have it". He said enthusiastically. My face dropped into un-amusement. He pulled away from me, winked at me and walked away. I had mixed emotions. Should I be anger because he led me on, or should I be glad that I get to live in this house with an attractive vampire? I gave up in guessing my emotions.

I walked to the bedroom next to Drake's. The room was quite large, with white walls; a large king sized black bed with black sheets, walk in wardrobe and a black and white checked on suite. This was the bedroom I was going to choose anyway. The other rooms were too large for me, and they were all black. Black is my favourite colour, but I don't want my room to be covered in black. I have to draw the line somewhere. It was almost dawn. I began to feel sleepy, so I decided to go to bed. I realised that I did not have any clothes, other than the pair I was wearing. I sighed in annoyance I began to take my black skinnies and black Metallica shirt off, so that I was standing in my black lace underwear and bra. I climbed into bed. It was so soft and comfortable. It felt like I was sleeping on a super fluffy cloud. My eyes began to close, and I was soon asleep.

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