Chapter Three

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The next few days were great. Drake and I were becoming closer. There was a huge supply of blood coming into the town, and the vampires were slowly becoming stronger, and so they would be leaving soon. The fewer vampires there were in the town, the better. Vampires were troublesome and loners. We work alone, unless the goal is something we all want. 

The town was also extremely boring. There were no activities to do, apart from feeding off humans and mating. The vampires were becoming tiresome. Two vampires had already left, and hopefully they were dead. I stared out of Drake's bedroom window, looking at the vampires roaming the streets of our small village, dust trails floating away from their footsteps. I stared out into the forest, the green leaves blocking my view of seeing the nearest human village. I wondered what it would be like to live in a human village in these times. When I lived as a human, it was 1956, a time where woman stayed at home in the kitchen and looked after their children, a time when woman had no saying in anything at all, and a time when I knew nothing about vampires.

For years, vampires hid in secret. Trying not to harm many humans, but still being able to survive, but by the 1970's, they stopped hiding. They revealed themselves; they killed more humans than they should. The government tried to dispel the ideas that vampires were real, saying that these humans were cannibals and they would be captured and put in mental institutes. The government employees were found drained of blood 48 hours later. A pandemonium broke out in 1975. I was sixteen. The year I was turned into a vampire. The government was still trying to cover the fact that vampires were real, and that they were taking a stand. I was not a part of it. I left my human life. I knew I would never be able to reclaim it. All I wanted was blood, it was the biggest temptation. I could not be among humans, I could not control myself. I secluded myself in Alaska. There were few people who lived in the deep snow. I stayed there for 3 years. I learned to control my thirst, my hunger, and my actions. I learned not to talk disrespectfully to high ranking vampires; the punishment is torture for a month. Being chained up in an underground dungeon surrounded by whips, chains and nails was not my best experience. 

Drake put his hand on my shoulder and brought me out of my trance. I turned to face him, and he could see that I had been thinking. "What's wrong?" concern was surrounding his face. I stared at him while I thought of what to say. I did not want to tell him of my past. I was none of his concern. I looked at him, straight in the eye, a small smile on my face "Nothing. I was just thinking of the village through the trees. I have never been there and so I was imagining what it would be like". I did not want to lie to him, but it's better than revealing my past. Drake smiled at me, and nodded his head in agreement. He turned around and walked downstairs. I watched him leave, his back muscles pulsing out as he moved. I could not take my eyes off of him, he was no beautiful. 

I followed him downstairs and found him in the kitchen. He stood on the far side of the white kitchen, in front of the kettle. "What are you making?" I asked. I knew that he did not like coffee or tea, so I didn't know what he was making. "Um, it's tea with blood in it. I call it blood cup". Drake smiled at me. He had two cups out; he was obviously making me a cup. I felt sick just thinking about blood and tea together. Tea is good and so is blood, but them mixed together, that doesn't sound so good. He brought me a cup over, and I smelled it. I could not smell the blood in the tea, but it was very watery with no milk. I looked at him questioningly. He smiled at me, and took a sip out of his cup. He licked his lips, and looked at me, giving me a hint to try some. I brought the cup up to my lips, I pushed the cup upwards and some of the tea dripped into my mouth. The overwhelming taste of blood filled my body. I felt my body tense up, and my eyes turn red. I began to drink the tea hungrily, trying to get more blood. Drake looked at me worried, but then he realised. "You haven't have blood from a warm human in a while, have you?" I turned around to face him. The only blood I have had is cold, blood bag blood. The feeling of warm blood makes my body tingle with excitement. I turned away from Drake, trying to hide my face. I wanted blood. I could not control my thirst any longer. 

I began to walk away from Drake, heading for the front door. I could hear Drake following me, asking me where I was going. I could barely hear him, so I ignored him. My pace became faster; I could hear the heartbeat and blood flow from a human nearby. I walked out of the front door and stood still, listening to where the heartbeat was coming from. The forest. I began to walk forward again, but a hand grabbed my shoulder. I stopped and slowly turned around to see who was stopping me. Drake stood behind me, staring at me with pleading eyes to stop. He did not know what I was feeling; he was trying to stop me from being who I really am. Why? He wanted me for himself. What a dick! He can't have me! I grabbed his hand, and pulled his whole body over my shoulder and threw him to the patio floor. I aggressively pressed my foot against his chest to hold him down. He was in pain. I looked at him in the eyes warningly. "You cannot control me. I will not be yours to use and control." I stomped on his chest, and he let out a huge cry of pain, and lay there wincing. I began to walk towards to forest. I was getting closer, the heartbeat was becoming louder and I could almost feel the blood. It was crystal clear, that I was close and also that my victim was a male. I could smell his skin and deodorant from a distance. My hunter instincts were kicking in. My victim was a young male, about 21 years old, very healthy, very athletic. His blood would taste great. It would ooze into my mouth. My mouth become wet from hunger. I jumped into a tree leading into the forest. I jumped from one tree to the next, getting closer to my target. I stopped suddenly, my victim was underneath me. 

I looked down to see a male, around the age of 21. He is very tall and very muscular. His long black hair covered most of his face, but I could make out that he had green eyes. From a distance, he was very attractive. But this was no time to stare at an attractive man; he was my prey, nothing more. My prey began to move away from the tree, I had no time to waste. I calculated my jump distance and speed, and launched myself forwards and down. I soared through the air like a bird, diving to catch its prey, which is exactly I was doing. My prey turned around, and our eyes connected. I landed on him, and pushed his body to the ground. I held his shoulders down with my hands, and his stomach down with my thighs and lower body weight. I stared at his lifeless body as I realised he was unconscious. Fuck. My thirst for blood had gone away, and my morality came back. I sat onto of the unconscious male for a while, until I heard noises coming closer. Three men, calling out for a man named Erik. I was presuming this man was Erik. I didn't want to leave him here for the men to find, so I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. I used my speed power to run back to the village. 

A group of vampires saw me come back into the village with a human on my shoulder. They looked at him hungrily. "Stay back!" I warned them. "He's mine." I walked away from them and into Drake's home. Drake was lying on the couch staring at the wall, he looked grumpy. I remembered what I did to him, I felt so bad. He didn't look at me while I walked past; I doubt his eyes left the wall. I walked into the kitchen and opened a white door, leading down to the basement. I carried the human over my shoulders and down the stairs. There were chains connected to wall, which I used to chain up the human. He was still unconscious. I wonder if he's dying slowly instead. Cool. 

I turned around and the left the human to suffer silently. I needed to apologise to Drake. I walked up the stairs, closed the door behind and walked into the lounge. Drake was still sitting there staring at the wall. I didn't know what to say, it was quite awkward. "Um, I’m so sorry for what I did to you. I couldn't control myself..." I mumbled. I was sure that he heard me, but he didn't reply. He continued to stare at the wall. I walked over to him, and sat next to him. He did not make a move away from me, or closer. He just lay still. I sighed and went to stand up, but Drake grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him. "Don't be sorry. I enjoyed it... a lot" He winked at me, and pulled my face down to his. He wanted me, but not to control me. He wanted me to love him, he wanted me to pleasure, and I wanted all from him. It became more intimate in the lounge, and one thing led to another, and I ended up in his bedroom, yet again. 

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