Chapter Four

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I stood staring at the human, chained up in Drake's basement. He began to move around as he awoke from his sleep.  He opened his eyes, and looked around, confused. He looked at me, and stared. The man tried to get up, but he was chained down, so he struggled more to get out. I sighed in annoyance. I stood there, watching his movements. His emotions were running wild; scared and angry. He stopped struggling when he finally realised that he could not get out. He then sighed in annoyance. I shook my head and walked up to him. I kneeled down in front of him to make myself look less like a threat, but he still tried to move away in an attempt to save himself. "Don't come near me demon! I'll...I'll...I'll stake you!" His voice was shaken, obviously he knew he couldn't and so he was trying to bluff. I stayed kneeled in front of him and smiled. His courage is great, but his stupidity is also great. What kind of human has the nerves to threaten a vampire? "Tell me, how you plan to stake me while you're chained up, and I'm kneeling in front of you." He looked away from me. I had upset him even more. He wasn't going to answer, and I did not care for one. I sighed, stood up and walked away. 

The human was probably hungry. I wonder what he eats. What do we have in our fridge? I wanted to ask him what he would like to eat, but I did want to make him suffer because he had threatened me. My caring side came out. "Are you hungry?" I asked. "What do you like to eat?" The man didn't reply straight away. I stared at the floor for a while before answering my question. "Sandwich. Can I have a ham sandwich?" He asked nicely. I was surprised that he could sound nice. I smiled and walked up stairs and into the kitchen. I began to make him ham sandwich when Drake came in. He came up behind me, wrapped my hands around my waist and kissed my cheek. I smiled at his cuteness. He looked down at the sandwich. "Oooh, is that for me?" I laughed. I knew he didn't eat human food. He believed to live like vampires should, feed on what vampires should. "No, it's for the human." He faced turned to annoyance. I could tell that he did not want the human in the house. He let go of my waist and walked out of the front door. Great. He was annoyed. I sighed, and put the sandwich on the plate. I took it down to the human where he was waiting patiently. He smiled when he saw the sandwich. "I didn't think you could actually make human food". I gave him the plate, and he began to eat. I laughed at his stupidity. "I was human once, and I was a pretty good cook. Don't ever look at a vampire and think that their pure breed; most of them aren't." I looked down at the floor, remembering my human life. 

The man finished his sandwich and placed the plate on the floor. I picked up the plate, and placed it on a small corner table in the room. The human was staring at me, questioningly. I stared at him back, to see his reaction. He turned away and stared at the wall. I sighed. "So, what's your name human?" He looked back at me, as if he did not understand what I had said. It looked as if he was trying to find something back to me, but having no luck, he replied "Erik". I smiled at him. It was a cute name for a human, especially an attractive human. Erik turned away from me again and began to stare back at the wall. I looked at him, and realised that his skin was starting to rash from the chains. I was ashamed of myself. How could I do this to an innocent human? My face stared at the floor in shame. I walked over to him, and reach down towards the chains. Erik jumped away from me, but I continued to reach down. I touched the chains and realised they were not hard to break off. I grabbed the side of the chain locked around his wrist, and broke it off him. I did the same to the other hand. 

Erik stared at me, not knowing what to do. He was surprised to be free, but was not sure if to run. I stared at him, watching his every move. He began to make a move towards the door leading upstairs; I shook my head at him. We both stood still, looking at each other. "If you want to stay alive, you must promise to stay here with me, and be my slave." Erik looked frightened and shocked to what I had just told him. It was true though, if he went into the village by himself, the other vampires would tear him apart. Erik thought about it for a while. He nodded his head in agreement. He wasn't that stupid after all. I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him to let him know that I was not going to hurt him. He did not hug me back, but bared the embrace. I pushed him away from me, and looked him in the eyes. "I will not hurt you, nor will anyone else while you're here with me." He smiled at me. A small part of me became happy. I grabbed his left hand, turned around and led him upstairs to Drake. 

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