Chapter Seven

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The next few days were tough. When I was in public, surrounded by so many humans, I eyed everyone up, to see if I was willing to bite them. But I did not want any of them. Truth is, I didn't want to bite a human; I was too scared to go near a human now. I was skipping school, fearing I wouldn't be able to control my thirst. It was getting stronger, and I was becoming weaker. My throat was becoming dry and hard, I just need blood to make the pain go away. The weaker I got; the more the thirst pushed me to bite a human. 

After the first week, I was going insane. Blood was all I could think about; I could hear the pulses and the blood running through the veins of the people I walk past. Every time I wanted blood, my jaw would hurt; as if something was trying to push through my gums. I can't take it anymore. I need to bite someone. My plan was to find a convict of some sort; but a really hot one. I will not put my face close to a highly unattractive human. I roamed the streets each night, until I could find a criminal. I finally found one after three days. 

I was attracted to the smell of blood; the smell of death. I followed the scent to the scene; a man raping a poor 15 year old girl. The scent was her hymen breaking; the blood running down her legs. The male was clearing enjoying himself; holding a young girl to the ground, covering her mouth so she couldn't make a sound, thrusting in and out of her. The young girl was clearing waiting until it was over; she couldn't move, couldn't scream, she laid there, tears running down her face, unable to do anything. As I stood there, watching, anger and hunger built up inside me. I wanted to tare this man's throat out. I wanted to make him suffer. 

A growl escaped my mouth, and the male heard it. He quickly jumped off of the young girl and stared at me. A small smile came across his mouth. "Oh look, another young girl for me to take advantage of. You-", he pointed to the young girl, "stay! You-" he pointed to me, "come here." A looked at the young girl; she was terrified, well I would be too if I had just got raped and someone had seen. She did as she was told, stayed on the ground and didn't move. I began to walk up to the man, and began to notice his features. He was about 25, quite handsome I must say, light brown hair and a few freckles on his face. He was slightly muscular, I can take him down. We were finally close enough for him to touch me, but he didn't He stared at my face with a small smirk. I showed no signs of fear, in fact, I was emotionless. He nodded his head, and walked around me to inspect. He met my face again, "you'll do just fine". He stepped forward, almost touching me. I looked at him in the eyes, "so will you." Before he could ask why, I pushed him down to the ground. His head snapped up towards me, glaring at me with horror and anger. I pushed against him with my black boots, placing my boot against his chest. He couldn't move. I took my foot off and quickly put my hands on his shoulders and pushed down. I bent my head down, near his neck, pushing his head aside with my own, opened my mouth, and pushed my fangs down into his neck. As the blood slowly oozed into my mouth, my fangs became larger and I could feel them pushing through my gums. The more they grew, the more blood came out. The male began to silently scream in pain, he was dying, but I didn't care. My instincts told me not to care. I couldn't stop drinking, I wanted more and more. 

I finally stopped when there was no blood left inside the male. I brought my mouth away from him, and stayed kneeled beside him. I've finally killed someone. I began to feel power around me, through my whole body. I could hear and smell more things, I could see clearer in the dark. Every one of my senses has been heightened. A large smile came across my face, I felt safe and powerful. I stood up, and began to walk off, but I turned to hear small sniffles of the young girl lying on the ground. She was staring at me, tears surrounding her eyes. I walked up to her, she cannot remember this. I kneeled down in front of her, and she tried to move away. I grabbed her arms so that she couldn't run away. Our eyes locked, and I began to give her a new memory. You were never here, you never got raped, and you have never seen me before. You will go home and tell your parents about your night. You went to the movies with some friends, even if you told them differently. You will go home tonight and live your life. Be happy, never let anyone take advantage of you. I closed my eyes and broke our connection. The girl stood there, staring at me. She nodded as she took in what I said. She will not remember tonight. I smiled as I could have changed this girl’s life. Before she could completely come out of her trance, I used my new speed power to run off. 

I ran all the way home, back to my parents. I had to tell them. They would be so pleased. I opened the door to see my parents running around the house. They both quickly turned to look at me, worry and hope on both of their faces. When they noticed it was me, mother came running up to me; embracing me. Father let out a long sigh of relief, but kept his distance. Mother would not let go of me, she was pulling me in for a tight embrace. I felt her tears run down my back, I heard her begin to sob. I pushed her back, so that we could make eye contact. I looked at her, confused and concerned. A small smile came across her face, "I thought that you had been taken. This is the longest you've ever been out. Please, don't ever do that again." Mother began to slowly sob again.  I nodded, small tears coming to my face. Mother smiled again, let out a sigh of relief and suddenly stopped crying. It felt as if she had stopped caring; just like that. "Mother, how can you just stop crying like that?" I was so confused. I cannot just stop crying, as much as I try. I continued to sob, waiting for an answer. She smiled, "We have a 'switch' that we can use to turn off our emotions with. If we want to stop worrying for a while, we turn it off. Unfortunately, you will not have it. You may get all the strengths of a vampire, but this is one that you will not have." She was completely serious. I did not have this power. I have to suffer with all the guilt and pain that I have caused. I began to feel down and ashamed of myself. Why do I have to be the half breed? I let my head sag down, and I walked slowly to my room. My parents stared at me as I walked past, completely confused. They wouldn't know how I feel. They weren't like me. 

I lay in my room, yet again and stared out of my window. The grass was dark, the moon reflecting off them. Everything looks so beautiful at night, everything seems more detailed and illuminating. Why am I obsessed with looking out of my window? The wind blew the leaves around my back garden, creating little tornado type like winds. Behind me, my bedroom door opened and I sensed my mother walked in. I turned to meet her. Her eyes were looking around the room, clearly trying not to make anything awkward. She was failing miserably. I stood staring at her, waiting for her to say something, but she never did. I sighed, which made her look up at me. I was becoming impatient. "Mother, I killed a human today, and I changed a girl’s memory." My eyes went down to the fall, remembering what had happened. I couldn't look at my mouth, but I could feel her happiness. I felt her move closer to me, walking slowly. I felt her arms on my shoulders; cold, soft fingers. "I'm glad you did honey." She pulled me in for a hug. "You'll be safe now." Mother began to softly stroke my hair, making me feel more relaxed. 

I began to smile as I realised I would be safe. No one could take advantage of me, no one could to hurt me. In fact, no one should try, because I know that I’ll get them first. 

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