Chapter Twelve

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I managed to fall back asleep after that nightmare. I don't remember my second dream, but I felt energized and happy when I woke up. The sun was beaming through my window, forcing me to get out of bed. I felt so happy to get out of bed and see my parents downstairs. I met the in the kitchen and waited for my breakfast. They also seemed happy as well. What's going on? Maybe it's just my family, maybe they're trying to get over the past events. I shrugged it off. 

I got to school and everyone seemed normal, apart from Stefan. He too seemed happier. I began to feel suspicious. Maybe it's a vampire thing. I walked up to Stefan, smiling excitedly.  He turned around to meet me, smiling back at me. I had to ask, "Why is everyone so happy? Well, not everyone, just vampires?" Stefan chuckled. There was obviously something going on today. "It's the annual ball. It's really big! Vampires from all of Greenhill and Asea come together and dance, talk and drink." Asea was the small country town near us. I've never seen or heard of our two towns combining, until now. I guess there town is full of vampires as well. Stefan looked down at me and began to look. I looked at him curiously. Stefan sighed and began to talk. "Um, I was wondering if, ya know..." I giggled at his humility. "Stefan, are you blushing?" I had to tease him. Stefan giggled and began to talk again. "Yeah, well, anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to be my date for the ball...." Stefan looked down at me with hope in his eyes. I couldn't help but 'awe'. Stefan became unamused. It made me laugh so much. Stefan stood watching me laugh my arse off. 

When I finished laughing, my stomach hurt so much that it felt like abs were trying to push through. Stefan nudged me, clearly waiting for an answer. I smiled up at him, "Of course I will." Stefan beamed down at me, making me smile back. Stefan wrapped his arms around my waist, lifted me up into the air and twirled me around. I couldn't help but giggle. We stopped twirling and my feet were firmly on the ground, Stefan kissed me. I kissed him back, my hands cupping his face. Behind me, I heard an awkward cough. Stefan looked up and I turned around. Gaia stood awkwardly behind us, eyeing us both up. I began to blush. Gaia smiled at us both before walking away. Why didn't she say anything? I pulled away from Stefan's embrace and looked from Gaia and back to him. He understood and nodded. 

I walked over to Gaia, hugging her from behind. Gaia placed her hands on mine, petting them as I cuddled into her. She pulled my hands from around her waists and turned to meet me. I smiled at Gaia, which made her smile back at me. Gaia looked down at her hands; she was twiddling her thumbs. I knew there was something wrong. I looked at her, trying to get her to look at me, but she didn't. "What's wrong?" I asked. I needed to know. She looked up at me finally, but she thought about what to say. "I don't know. I guess, I'm just jealous because you're with Stefan now...and I just, feel lonely. I haven't had a proper boyfriend in ages." She looked back down at her hands. I felt bad for her; it was true though, she hadn't had a proper boyfriend in about a year. I moved in, wrapping my arms around her neck. Her arms wrapped around my waist. I whispered in her ear, "Gaia, I'm always here for you. You are never alone. You will find someone one day, it doesn't have to be now, next week, next month or next year; but you will find someone. I promise." Gaia pulled away from me and smiled. "Thank you. B-F-F's forever?" We both giggled when she said that. I nodded and pulled her in for another hug. The bell began to ring from the school, signalling the start of the lessons. Gaia and I walked each other to our classes for the rest of the day and stuck by each other on breaks. It was a great school day, but I had to go home and tell my parents about the ball. 

I got home and the smell of hairspray overwhelmed me. Father was sitting in the living, covering his mouth. He saw me and lifted his eyebrows at me. I guess he's dying from the hairspray. I couldn't help but giggle. I walked away from the living and into the bathroom where my mother was standing, spraying her hair. She saw me and smiled. I looked at her and the hairspray can in her hand. "What are you doing?" Mother's hair looked stunning. It was held high in a bun, small strands of hair coming down the sides of her face. She was so beautiful. Mother smiled at me, "Don't run off or go anywhere, you're next." My face dropped. Oh no, oh no no no no! I slowly backed out of the bathroom while mother continued to do her hair. 

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