Chapter Eight

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Everything changed. 

Everything became better. 

I was able to defend for myself now. No one could take advantage of me. After that night, I hunted criminals and harmful people. People who had murdered, raped and tortured others were first on my hunting list. They were easy to catch. They screamed and begged as I ripped their necks out. They had no idea why I was doing this, and no one ever saw me. I was a silent killer of the night, a night stalker. The humans began to notice that people were disappearing. The police, FBI and the detectives paroled the streets at night, trying to keep their citizens safe. Why though? I was killing the people who they did not want, the people who had committed a serious crime. Why did they want to protect citizens? I watched as the police patrolled the park area. From a high tree, I could see them, but they could not see me. This was my hiding spot. This is my hunting ground. 


I walked downstairs to meet my parents in the kitchen. I was finally heading off to school. I have had three weeks off school to learn how to control my thirst. I finally had control of it. The TV was on in the living room, we could hear it clearly. I began to eat my breakfast; two slices of toasts and a small glass of fresh blood. I was quietly eating away when the news caught my attention, "Five people have gone missing on the last week. Eight the week before. In total, thirteen people have gone missing. Throughout out the streets, some are rejoicing, for these missing people were criminals. They caused the most heinous crimes, and were all let of prison after serving only five years. The families of the victims are partying all night long, but the friends and family of the criminals are mourning. Is the person kidnapping all of the criminals a hero, or are they just as bad as the criminals? Tony Frood reporting from Porthaven." The news changed back to the home base of news. My parents looked at me. I stared back at them, "What?" Their faces dropped. They both stared at me, anger in their eyes. "What the fuck are you doing?!" My mother was getting angrier each moment. She stepped closer and closer to me each second. Fear began to overcome me. I began to stutter, "Um, well, I, um, am draining crim-iminals to feed me. They're b-bad people. I thought that no one would, um, care?" The last sentence was a question to see if it would calm her down. It didn't. It made her angrier. She quickly ran around to me, grabbing me by my shoulders and pushing me against the wall. I couldn't move. My father quickly ran next to her, holding his hand on her shoulder, whispering calmingly to her, "Honey, don't hurt her. She's your daughter, she made a mistake. You've made mistakes as well. She'll learn from this." My father spoke calmly to her. My mother’s eyes returned to her natural colour and relaxed shape. 

 She sighed as she let me go. Father pulled her in for a long embrace, calming her down completely. I stood against the wall, waiting for them to say something else, but they never did. They were both silent while embracing each other. I stared at them, wondering how they could love each other so much, after all this time. Father was quietly stroking mother’s hair, sshing down her ear. I gave up waiting for them to talk, so I walked over to the front door, grabbed my school bag and left for school. 

The walk to school made me think; should I really be killing people? Why don't I just drain them of some of their blood? The thoughts were in my mind the whole way to school. How could I have been so stupid? Was I that naive and immature to not think of that? I shook my head in shame. Some of the public was glad that I had murdered the criminals, which makes me happy. But, their families are distressed and mourning, which I do not want. I have to change my ways. Is it really up to me to take someone's life, even if they do deserve it? I sighed, of course it was not. The humans were none of my concern, only my prey. 

Half-Breedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن