Chapter Ten

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I stood alone most of the time now. I watched over the humans and the vampires. My friends knew nothing about vampires, they knew nothing about me. The vampires did not know that a half-breed walked among them either. I realised that humans and vampires were both my enemies. Each of them would kill me if they find out who I really am. But now there was a new enemy; Vampire Hunters. Another one to add to my list. I needed to learn more about these Hunters. 

I stayed up late each night, Google-ing Vampire Hunters. So far, I knew they couldn't be spotted by the naked eye; you had to engage in combat with them. Vampire Hunters could tell where other Hunters were though; they each had the same mark on their wrist which symbolises the brotherhood. Only they can see it though. Vampire Hunters are stronger than normal humans, but weaker than vampires. They're quicker and smarter than humans, and sometimes even vampires. 

School felt like it was dragging on forever. Each subject is supposed to go for 50 minutes, but it feels like they go for more than an hour. All I want to do is go home and sleep. I rested my head on my pencil case in front of me, barely listening to my teacher ramble on about Trigonometry. My head was facing towards the window; I was also facing Stefan. He was staring at me, a smile on his face. I smiled back, the heat rising in my cheeks. I turned away from him, clearly embarrassed. A smile was stuck on my face, he was looking at me. I stared at the wall for the rest of the lesson, trying not to embarrass myself again. 

The bell went and I almost fell out of my seat. I'd fallen asleep after looking away from Stefan. Fingers on my back made me shiver. I turned around and Stefan stood behind me smiling. I quickly stood up and stood face to face with him. His eyes flicked to the door, leading out of the classroom.  "Do you want to go and get some food?" I smiled back at him and nodded. We walked beside each other to his car; a black BMW Coupe. Everyone's eyes were on us. I began to feel self-conscious; heat flowing into my cheeks. My eyes began to stare at the ground; trying to ignore the staring eyes. I heard Stefan open his car door which made me look up. I realised that he was staring at me confused. I smiled at him and opened my side door and climbed in. The car smelled like leather. I closed my door and Stefan climbed in the other side. We both looked at each other and smiled. Stefan turned to car keys and the car exhaust came to life. We drove out of the car park and to somewhere I hadn't been before.

We drove out of town, and into a larger town called Starlight about 35 minutes away. I texted my parents so they wouldn't get worried. Mother was kind of suspicious, but as long as I got home before midnight, she wouldn't come looking for me. I sighed in relief. Why is it that mother always texted me? Why did I always text mother and not father? Father doesn’t understand me… We used to close when I was younger, but we had drifted as I grew up. I began to make choices about my life, which he didn’t like and I was realising who I really was. I didn’t think I was a vampire though. I looked up at Stefan as we still drove to Starlight. The sun was slowly setting; the rays shining on Stefan’s face made his skin stand out. He looked more attractive than he usually does. His hair was made darker by the shadows off the sun shield. I smiled and turned away from Stefan, trying to distract myself. I began to think about why he has asked me to go and get food with him. Does he like me? Probably not, he’s just trying to be friendly. Even if he did like me, I’d have to turn him down. We’re different. I could kill him at any given moment; I don’t want to risk that. It’s like I have scissor hands; I can watch from a distance, but I cannot touch because if I do, I could hurt him. I smiled as ‘Scissorhands’ by Motionless in White came into my head. This song is just for me. I silently hummed the tune, staring out of the window as I did. I could feel Stefan’s eyes on me. The car had stopped at a red light. He giggled. I quickly turned to look at him. He simply smiled back at me. “It’s the first time I’ve heard you hum.” I smiled down at the ground embarrassed. Why am I always embarrassed in front of him? His hand touch underneath my chin and pulled my head back up and it was turned to face Stefan. Stefan smiled sweetly at me. “You should stop being so embarrassed around me. I’m not going to do anything or tell anyone if you do something that you want no one to know about.” I smiled back at him. He was right. Stefan was trustworthy, even if I’d only just become friends with him at the end of last year. Behind our car, a horned beeped. We quickly looked forward to see that the lights had changed to green. Stefan lurched forward trying not to angry the car behind any more. We both laughed as we continued to drive. Stefan looked at me, “Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon.”

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