Chapter 2

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- Jerome

I opend my eyes and carefully sat up. One of my minions (A/N Not the cute yellew fella's) came to my side and tried to help me up.

"Let go of me." I said pushing him away.

"Are you alright boss?" Another asked.

"Yes, now go find me an excuse I can tell Mitch." I snapped at them. I sighed as I placed my head in my hands.

"Jerome." I looked up to see my right hand man, Rob, standing infront of me.

"What are we gonna do next?" He asked.

"I don't know yet. But one day I'll get that stupid Hero, but right now I need to go to Mitch." I said standing up.

"Jerome you're in no condition to be walking." He said trying to make me sit down again.

"I have to go. He'll be worried sick when I'm not home in time."

"But he'll be worried aswell when he sees you limping. Or if he sees the huge bruise on your back."

"And that's why I need a good excuse. Where is my excuse!" I yelled that last part. Suddenly a minion (A/N Again not the cute yellow thingy's) came running to me.

"Sir, we got the perfect excuse."

"I'm listening."

"Tell Mitch you fell down in your chair." I gave the guy an 'are you serious face' then turned to Rob.

"Why is he here?"

"I'll take care of him." Rob replied.

"No, no, no. You need to go home to Preston. I'll figure out an excuse myselve and... You." I said pointing to a random minion.

"Make sure I don't see him again." He nodded and dragged the one with the bad idea out.

"Okay. I'll see you tommorow then." Rob said.

"Yes. Tommorow we'll get our revenge on the Red Hood." I said as me and Rob walked out of the building.

"Bye Jerome." I waved back at Rob before getting in my car trying not to hurt myselve even worse.

~ Time skipz to when he arrives home ~

I limbed to the front door and walked in. Mitch came out from the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel.

"Oh god Jerome, You're limping. What happend?" He came over to me and helped me walk to the coutch. I looked into his worry filled eyes.

"Don't worry there was just this crazy dood at work. He said we didn't do as we had agreed while we clearly did and then he went bezerk. And a chair hit me. But everything's fine."

"Everything's fine!? You're limping for gods sake!" He yelled.

"Where did you get hid?" He asked as he calmed down.

"Biggums it's fine. The work doctors already took care of it." I saw a tear well up in his eye.

"Hey hey. Don't cry. I'm fine. I'm home. Noone's gonna hurt me anymore."

"Please let me take a look at it." He asked again with pleading eyes. I sighed and nodded my head. I then proceeded to take off my shirt, very painfully. I heard Mitch gasp as soon as he saw my bruse.

"Oh god Jerome." I placed my shirt on my lap. I felt his fingers softly move over my bruised back. I winced.

"S...Sorry. I...I'm gonna get some ice for that." He then walked to the kitchen and came back with several packs of ice.

"Lay down." I did as told and he placed the ice on my back. instantly the pain got less.

"How does that feel?"

"Pretty good actually." He crouched down infront of me so that we where looking at eachother.

"Just stay like this for today if you need anything just ask. I'm gonna get your dinner and then we can eat it here."

"But then you'll have to clean everything here again." he softly stroke my hair and moved down to my cheek.

"I don't care. As long as you get better." He then pecked my forehead and walked to the kitchen. Damn the way he steals my heart over and over again is an even bigger crime than the biggest crime I've ever committed. I'll just have to make sure he's save from the fight that I'm gonna start with the Hood. I don't know what I would do if something happend to him.

The hero and the villain (merome) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now