Chapter 8

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- Jerome

My back hit the wall. My eyes felt big and my breathing heavy. 

"What's the matter cat got your tongue." Mitch said his voice sounding weaker then before. 

"No this isn't happening. I'm just under the effect of the posion." My confidence returned and I walked back to him.

"You're not Mitch!" I yelled at him ready to beat his sorry ass again. But someone grabbed my hand and held me back. 

"Jerome, you're not under the effect of the posion." Rob wispered in my ear as he held me from beating the actual shit about this imposter.

"Who told you who I am? Who told you about Mitch?" I yelled at the Red hood. Rob still had a firm grip on me. 

"W...What are you t...talking about? H...How do you k...know my name." He said barely consious. 

"Don't play games with me you bastart. You know who I am. You did something so that I would think you're Mitch but your not!" I felt tears stream down my face as I still struggeled against Rob's grip. 

"Stop struggeling he really is Mitch. You're going to kill him." Rob said.  

"He's not! My Mitch is at home save and sound. He was gonna make something to eat for me when I got home then go to bed. He is there everytime I get home and keeps the house clean and makes the best meals in the world. He's not a superhero, he's a normal person, and I love him." I said as tears streamed down my face. I felt like my knees where giving out and they eventually did. I fell in Robs arms. 

"J...Jerome?" Mitch questioned, sounding hesitant and weak. I took of my mask and looked up at him. His eyes big but droopy. I can tell he's fighting to stay consious. 

"Jerome. You... You're...?"

"Vortex, yes. But you're not real." I said my voice souded weak aswell but not because of the same reason his sounded weak. 

"I am, Jerome. I'm M...Mitch. Ask me anything you w...ant I'll awn...ser." I thought for a moment. 

"Who proposed and how?" He chuckled.

"You did. At Min...econ in Paris 7 years ago, on friday, July 13th at ex...actly 9.30pm. We where walking a...away from our signing we had be...fore that and you told me you had fount something the night be...fore you wanted to show me because I was s...I was sick and couldn't come with you guys to explore. So you to...ok me to this place right next to river Seine. There wh...ere these benches looking over the river we j...just sat there talking about random things cud...cuddling and saying how much we loved each...other. At 9.25 you made the joke that prop...proposing on friday the 13th would be the most dangerous thing in the I laughed and said that maybe it wouldn't be any bad luck but maybe it would be go...od luck. 5 minutes later you went down on one... on one knee and proposed to me, and I ofcourse said yes. Ever since th...then we try the most dangerous things on friday the 13th." Tears where streaming down my face. That's exactly how it went. We never told anyone this. We just told them I proposed a week later. Not a detail. 

"Mitch. It's really you." I ran up to him and hugged him. I unlocked his chains he fell foreward into my arms. I craddled him as he slowely lost consiousness. 


"Stay with me Mitch. Rob get the medics. Come on Mitch stay with me."

"I love you." 

"I love you too. Please don't go. I'm so sorry." 

"Don't be sorry." After that his eyes closed.

"MITCH! Come on Biggums. Wake up! Stay with me. Please. Oh god please I don't want him to die." I cried into his chest as I held him tight. 

"Please don't leave me."

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