Chapter 6

373 19 13

- Mitch

I got back home after a long day. People in this city keep doing weird stuff. I went into the kitchen to start cooking but I suddenly recieved a call.

"Heyo?" I said picking up without looking at the caller ID.

"Hey Biggums it's me. I was just calling to let you know we have this mayor thing going on at work and I'm gonna stay a bit longer to make sure it goes right. So don't wait for me to eat and go to bed it could get pretty late."

"Oh okay then should I make something you can heat up when you get home?"

"Yeah that would be nice."

"Okay. I'll take care of it. Love you."

"Love you too." And with that he hung up. I got to cooking and made sure to put a bit in the fridge for Jerome to eat. After that I went to the livingroom to watch some TV but before I could even turn it on it turned on with an all to familiar mask, Vortex.

"Well, hello there citizens. Don't worry we're not here to hurt you all we just want one person in particular. Red Hood? I'm pretty sure you're watching this. We have the one most precious to you. If you want them back alive and well I suggest you come to (Insert Adres). Alone." And with that the TV turned off. They have Jerome? But he's at work. Maybe they kidnapped him from there. I don't know if I should believe Vortex or not but I can't risk it, I don't want anything to happen to Jerome if they do have him. I ran to my secret basement at superspeed and got dressed in my costume before flying to the adress. I arrived in no time. I bursted through the door.

"VORTEX!" I yelled. I noticed it was pretty foggy in here.

"A you're here." I heard him say from the shadows.

"Where is he?"

"Right through that door." He said opening a door I ran inside. There was Jerome tied to a chair he looked normal.

"Oh god. Are you alright?" I asked kneeling infront of him.

"Yes I'm alright." I suddenly heard the door lock behind me. I turned around to see Vortex laughing on the other side.

"I can't believe you actualy fell for that." I turned back to Jerome. But it wasn't Jerome anymore it was a random dude.

"What is happening?"

"We tricked you and now we're gonna get rid of you." Vortex said. I felt something being stuck in my neck and everything turned blurry and then black.

Soo I won't be able to update this weekend so that's why I gave you the next chap early just to leave you guys with a cliffhanger. I know I'm evil love you all and see you on sunday see ya laterz xx

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