Chapter 14

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- Jerome

I was a crying mess. I yelled at everyone that came close to me except for Rob and commanded that they all have to figure out where Mitch is.

"We'll find him Jerome." Rob said trying to make me calm down.

"And w...what if w...e d...o? H...He do...doesn't wanna see me." I sobbed.

"We'll figure it out. Atleast you'll have a chance to apologize now." He said. I nodded and wiped away my tears and blew my nose.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yeah." I then got a call. I looked at the caller ID, Vikk?

"Hey Vikk."

"Hey Jerome." He wispered.

"Why are you wispering?"

"Because Lachlan took Mitch here. They told me what happend and I really think you two should talk this through. But Lachlan didn't wanna do something Mitch doesn't want to and Mitch doesn't want to see you. But I really think you should come over and talk to him."

"He's with you?"

"Yes he is. He's sleeping in the guestroom right now."

"I'm comming." I said and hung up the phone. I got up from my chair and walked to the exit.

"Where are you going?" Rob asked.

"To get my husband." Was all I said before I walked out. I arrived at the Vikklan house 15 minutes later. I knocked on the door and Vikk open emediatly like he was waiting behind the door.

"Come in."

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Upstairs. 1st door on the right." I nodded and walked towards the stairs, but Lachlan blocked my way.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm comming for Mitch."

"How did you know?" As he asked that question he looked behind me at Vikk.

"I can't believe you actually called him. Mitch needs to be alone. He doesn't need someone that keeps things from him. So you're not going to get to him." He said that last part to me. I took a step closer to Lachlan.

"He's still my husband, and I still love him. So let me talk to him."

"No I won't let you hurt him again."

"Stop it." Vikk interupted.

"Lachy let Jerome talk to Mitch."

"Don't Lachy me. You should be on my side in this."

"Lachlan it's better that they talk about this now and get everything straight than that Mitch is living here with us for the rest of his live being miserable."

"Fine." And with that Lachlan let me pass. I quickly walked to the room and softly opend the door. The light from the hallway was the only thing iluminating the room. I walked over to the bed he was laying on being as quiet as possible. I croutched down and gently stroke my hand over his cheek. It was clear that he had cried himselve to sleep. He gently opend his eyes. They where red and puffy.

"Jerome?" He asked in a shaky voice.

"Yes it's me biggums." I saw tears well up in his eyes.

"But you don't love me."

"Who told you that?" Tears where now streaming down his face.

"You lied to me. You don't love me. I'm just a cover for you." He started sobbing now.

"Oh no Mitch." I said sitting next to him and placing him in my lap. Hugging him close and letting him cry in my shoulder.

"I lied to you yes, but I never lied about loving you." I said holding him tighter.

"I'm sorry." He sobbed after a couple minutes.

"Don't be. You're right I should have told you the truth." He kept sobbing in my shoulder for a while, while I kept comforting him. After a solid 30 minutes he finnally stopped crying.

"Hey Mitch?" He looked up at me with those red puffy eyes.


"Well, I was thinking now that I'm quitting with being the Vortex and you won't have to do as much as the Red Hood. Maybe we could, you know, adopt some kids?" His face lit up emediatly.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'll get a regular job. I'll make time to be home more and we'll start a family. What do you say?" A smile grew on his face.

"I'd like that."

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