Chapter 19

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- Jerome

After I had put the kids to bed I went to sit next to Mitch again. I sat on the ground next to the coutchand held his hand in mine gently stroking it with my thumb. After a while I felt his hand squize mine softly. I looked a his face to see his eyes slightly open.

"Hi." He wispered. 

"Oh god Mitch. You had me scarred." I said throwing myselve on him to hug him. 

"How's Violet?" He asked as I pulled back.

"She's a bit shaken up but I think she'll manage." He nodded. 

"Mitch, what happend? That was a pretty bad wound." 

"The new guy aparently has lazers." He says.

"Oh god Mitch. You really need to look out with what you're doing."

"I know but the important part is that I still got him." He said sitting up slowely. I helped him a bit. He unwrapped the bandages that I put around hus wound and reveiled a pink scar.

"I'm still amazed by that power of yours." I said trailing my fingers over the scar. He chuckled and cupped my cheeks making me look at him. 

"I can see the worry in your eyes. Don't worry, I'll be fine." I nodded leaning into his toutch. 

"I'm gonna see if Violet is alright." He said kissing my forehead and walking up the stairs. I heard a knock on the door and walked to it. I opend it to see the new villain in town. 

"Did you know your boyfried's a super hero?" He asked. I kept my cool.

"That's absurd." He held his, propably lazer, gun to my head.

"Let me inside." He demanded. I swiftly grabbed his wrist and pushed it into the wall so that he dropped the gun and held him in a lock.

"MITCH GET THE KIDS AND HIDE!" I yelled at him. Mitch came running down the stairs and saw me holding down the villain he had fought only hours ago. I saw he wanted to come help me.

"GO!" I yelled at him again and then he ran at superspeed upstairs to the kid's rooms.

"Who are you? Let me go!" The guy beneith me asked. 

"I won't let you go. And for who I am let's just say your worst nighmare." He somehow reached over to his lazergun and tried to shoot me. I rolled out of the way before he could. He stood up at the same time as I did but before he could do anything I had him back into a tight hold his gun on the other side of the room. 

"How the f*ck did you do that?" He asked wiggeling in my grip but unable to get out. 

"Dude I fought worse then an idiot with a gun." We kept on fighting and wresteling. He was panthing hard while I didn't even drop a sweat. Instead of fighting me he was now just trying to stay out of my grip. 

"Who are you? How can you be this good." 

"If I tell you. I have to kill you." I said getting him in a corner. 

"But if you know my husbands secret I have to kill you anyway. So why not." I suddenly had him in a headlock ready to snap his neck. 

"I'm the Vortex." 

"You, you're dead."

"No you are." And with that I snapped his neck and letting him go so that he dropped to the floor dead. I took a deep breath. I promised I wouldn't do this anymore, I'm better now. But I had to he threatend my family. I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I sat on my knees next to the dead boy. I took off his mask to reveil a young boy only around 20. 

"I'm a monster." 

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