Chapter 22

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- Jerome

Everyone except for Mitch where sitting at the kitchen table. Violet was eating her breakfast, I was trying to get Fleur to eat hers, Preston was making breakfast for everyone and Rob was thinking of plans to solve our problem. Mitch was still sleeping on the coutch. The girls wanted to go wake him up earlier but I told them to let daddy rest. I know he didn't sleep very well, he woke up atleast 10 times he tried not to wake me, which he failed at but I'm not gonna tell him that.

"Here comes the plane!" I said moving the spoon of food towards Fleurs mounth. She giggled and grabbed the spoon from my hands.

"I'm big girl dad! I can do!" She said.

"Oh can you do it yourselve? Well you must be a very big girl then!" I replied to her. She nodded with a big smile on her face as she started eating by herselve.

"So Jerome. How did they find out about you know?" Preston asked as he handed me a plate with breakfast.

"Thanks. I don't know. Violet came running into my office because something was wrong with him. When I came down he had a big gash on his stomach I threated it and let him sleep. About an hour or so after he woke up the guy he faught showed up at the door." I say in a hushed tone.

"Somehow he had to know who he was or followed him." Rob said in the same tone.

"I didn't recognize him, and he couldn't have followed him he didn't have powers." I said.

"How do you know you don't recognize him? Wasn't he wearing a mask?" Preston asked.

"I took of his mask after I ... you know." I said not wanting the kids to hear I killed someone.

"There must be a logical explanation." Rob said, more to himselve. After that Mitch walked in yawning.

"Morning." He said before kissing the girls on their head like he does every morning and kissing me on the lips.

"Morning babe." I said back. He sat on my lap and started eating my breakfast.

"Hey that's mine!" He turned to me and smirked.

"Not anymore." He said before taking another bite. I smiled. He's such a goofball sometimes. I placed my hand on his shoulders just to tease him. But when I did so a bit of his shirt moved reveiling a small black thingy.

"What's that?" I asked looking at it.

"What's what?" Mitch asked. Both Rob and Preston looked at us in confusion. I take a closer look at it and take it off his skin. I examinate it holding it between my thumb and index finger. Rob came over aswell.

"I think I know what that is." He said at the same time I relized what it is aswell.

"Me too." I say. We then said the same exact thing.

"A tracking device."

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