Bar Fights and Confused Brothers

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Dean Winchester was tired. He was tired of this war, tired of hunting, and most of all he was tired of pretending that a certain angel was nothing to him but a friend. He had been running from who he was all his life, sleeping with a women a night, never settling down, and it had never really bothered him before now. Now he'd fallen in love with a man he was sure would never love him back, a man too holy. As terrified as he was that his angel would flee, he put on his usual no-worries bad-ass attitude and gently prayed to Castiel.

"Hey, Cas, get your feathery-ass down here." He heard a flutter of wings and turned to see his friend.

"There are nicer ways to invite a friend to socialize, Dean." Castiel stated in his normal monotone voice. Dean rolled his eyes.

"I didn't call you to chit-chat, I called you to take you out tonight." Castiel tilted his head.

"Take me out? Like on a…what are those called, Dates?" Dean bit his lip and wanted to reply yes so bad, but that just wasn't him.

"Nah man, I just want to take my best friend out for drinks." Castiel smiled.

"You consider me your best friend?" Dean grinned goofily and threw his arm over Cas's shoulder, leading him to the door.

"Of course I do, man, now come on!" The two climbed into the Impala and Dean cranked the radio up, "Heat of The Moment" blaring loudly. Every now and then he'd sneak a look at Castiel through the corner of his eyes, noticing how the angel seemed to be really happy since they'd left the motel.

They pulled up to a nice looking pub and Dean walked around to open Cas's door. Castiel noted this as weird behavior for Dean, but didn't say anything as Dean also held the bar door open for him. He grinned as they walked in, silently nodding a thank you to his hunter. Dean took a deep breath, getting nervous. Could he really do this after all the time he'd spent perfecting his image? When they took their seat on some bar stools, Castiel noticed that Dean's breathing was suddenly rougher. He placed his hand innocently on top of Dean's, trying to comfort him but Dean quickly snatched his hand back. Cas's eyebrows furrowed and he once again gave Dean his signature head tilt.

"Dean are you okay? You've been weirdly nice to me and then all of a sudden you seem to be offended by my touch." Dean was freaking out on the inside, taking it out on Cas.

"Just shut up assbutt, I'm trying to think here! Order a beer like a normal dude and stop frigging touching me." A look of hurt briefly crossed Castiel's face but it turned into a pout.

"You stole my word…" Dean's heart melted and he couldn't help but think that was adorable.

"Sorry, buddy." He mumbled, finally earning a faint smile from his counterpart. The bartender finally walked up, his hair dyed a light blue and his nails painted black.

He's so queer.

Dean snorted to himself. There was a small voice in the back of his heading telling him he was one to talk, but he chose to ignore it and casually ordered two beers.

"One for me and one for my pal here." He said gesturing towards Castiel. The bartender put his hand on his hip and glared at Dean.

"Let the cutie order for himself, you don't own him." He spat, purposely leaning seductively across the counter and asking Cas for his order.

Oh hell no…touch him and I swear to God…

Dean thought angrily.

A look of surprise painted Cas's face and he slightly stuttered.

"It's okay, he's dating me tonight." Dean put his head in his hand and groaned.

"No I'm not Cas…" This made the bartender smile. He slid his finger under Castiel's chin and pulled him a little closer.

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