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The two couples went back to their home in Kansas and with Delores successfully hidden, they lived peacefully there for about a month. Raini was growing at a normal rate, though she was still smaller than most babies her age, and Sam was healthily two months along. They were all very happy, to say the least, so it came as no surprise when things started to go wrong. One night Castiel was feeding Raini on the couch while Dean was filling up the sink to give her a bath. Castiel put the bottle down and burped her, tugging her tiny pink princess dress off and carrying her to Dean. Dean sat her in the bubbly water and got Castiel to hold her up so he could bathe her with the washcloth.

“Aw Cas, she’s so cute with the suds in her hair.” Castiel smiled lovingly at Dean and rested his head on his shoulder.

“We have a perfect daughter.” Dean very gently rinsed the soap out of her light brunette hair and nodded.

“I know, baby. I know.” They heard a chuckle from behind them that did not sound like Sam or Gabriel, and Dean nearly jumped out of his skin.

“Relax, mate, it’s just me. You’re a lot sweeter with a baby than I ever imagined, Dean.” Balthazar teased. Dean took a deep breath, thankful that it was just Balthazar and not a demon of some sort.

“How the hell did you find out where we live? Castiel hid us from angels with those symbols on our ribs.” Balthazar shrugged.

“It wasn’t a matter of finding you in an instant, it was a matter of me looking through every possible phonebook for a Dean Winchester and then tracking your number. It was very annoying, I resent that Castiel hid you so well.” Dean cursed under his breath, that was one of the downfalls of settling down, he was easier to find. Dean snapped his fingers and made a small pink towel appear, positioning himself in front of the sink so that Balthazar couldn’t see anything and wrapped Raini up in it. He cradled her tight to his chest and stepped back a little.

“What do you want?” Castiel, also feeling a little threatened, stepped in front of Dean.

“Wow, Castiel, for someone who just had a baby you are in wonderful shape. How did you gain your abs back that fast?” Castiel growled.

“Answer the question.” Balthazar put his hands up in surrender.

“I’m not here to fight you…I’m actually surprised that you’d think I was, here I thought we were friends, Castiel.” Castiel nodded.

“We are, but not all angels take kindly to Nephilims, I wasn’t sure if you were one of them. My daughter comes before any friend I may have.” Balthazar nodded.

“I also feel that way about my son, so I understand. However, you’d have known better than to mistake me for an angel racist against Nephilim if you knew about my son.” Dean looked shocked.

“Don’t tell me you knocked up a human?” Balthazar grinned.

“Indeed I did, and a very beautiful one at that. A woman named Elizabeth gave me a son five years ago, his name is Hadraniel. We have always kept him sheltered since he was the first Nephilim born in several hundred years…thus we were horrified when he went missing last night.” Castiel gasped softly and looked sympathetically at his friend.

“I am very sorry, I don’t know what I’d do if that had happened to us.” Balthazar sighed.

“That’s the thing, Cas. It is going to happen to you, that’s why I’m here.” Dean looked down protectively at his baby, who was making little squeaks in his arms.

“Why? Who the hell is kidnapping Nephilims?” Castiel instinctively wrapped his arms around his hunter.

“Michael. Michael hates Nephilims with a burning passion, but believe it or not that’s not why he’s doing this. As you know, Lucifer has been causing havoc on Earth for quite some time now, and the only way to derail this apocalypse seems to be a certain kind of magic. In order to open Lucifer’s cage, you must spill and mix the blood of the worlds first four Nephilim on scared ground, which is one of the reasons Lucifer wanted your baby dead so bad. If he killed her before someone else got their hands on her blood then the cage could never be opened.” Dean’s eyebrows creased with worry.

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