Wings and Wonder

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Castiel writhed in pain and reached out desperately for Dean.

"Hold me." He whimpered, causing Dean's heart to break. Dean climbed on to the bed and wrapped his arms around her.

"I've got you baby." Dean whispered, tenderly rubbing and massaging Castiel's baby bump.

"I'm scared, Dean." Dean nuzzled in to him and held him a little bit tighter.

"Me too, Cas. But everything is going to be alright, I promise. Sammy and I are going to take care of you." Castiel pulled Dean in to a demanding, frantic kiss, and Dean responded by nibbling very gently on his bottom lip, in an attempt to comfort him.

"Okay, um, Dean, you aren't gunna like this but I need to take Cas's pants off." Dean's face looked a little unnerved by this but he nodded. Sam gingerly tugged at the fabric until it was around the angel's ankles and then finally in a heap in the floor along with his socks and shoes. Sam looked awkwardly from his brother-in-law's naughty bits to his concerned brother.

"Heh, um, Dean? I don't know why this hasn't crossed our minds before…but where is she supposed to even come out?" Castiel and Dean both went pale.

"Oh shit Sammy, I have no idea…" Castiel groaned again, another contraction hitting him. Castiel snapped his fingers to remove the rest of his clothing.

"I'm so hot…" Dean kissed his shoulder sympathetically.

"Sammy, turn a fan on, he's sweating buckets." Sam obliged and then turned terrified eyes toward the angel.

"How bad does it hurt Cas? I mean you don't have in pains in your…ass or anything do you?" He asked in a hushed whisper. Castiel's eyes went wide.

"Oh god I hope she's not coming out there! B-But no, I don't have pain there it's just these contractions…as Dean would put it, they hurt like a bitch." Sam immediately looked sick.

"I swear if she come out there…" He said it more to himself but Dean shot him a look.

"You're worried about when you go into labor, huh?" Sam nodded sheepishly and Castiel snorted.

"Good luck either way, I wouldn't wish this on anyone." Dean pulled Cas in his lap and allowed him to curl up on him, even though he was getting so sweaty that his hair was now dripping. Castiel whimpered again and gripped Dean's shirt hard.

"Make it stop." Dean caressed Cas's stomach again and kissed the top of his head.

"I wish I could, I would do anything to make sure you never felt any pain." He mumbled helplessly, wishing he could take Castiel's pain and harbor it himself. Sam pulled out his cell phone and dialed Gabriel's number.

"Samchop, this isn't really the best time, we're getting to the fun part of the exorcism." Sam sighed.

"Gabs, I know that exorcising Delores is important, but could you take a minute to ask God about Castiel? I mean if you've got Delores under a devil's trap then she isn't going anywhere. Just pray to him, you're an archangel, don't you have like…a direct call to God?" Now it was Gabriel's turn to sigh, but he agreed and was very quiet for a few moments.

"Cas isn't gunna like this…" This made Sam very nervous.

"What is it?" Gabriel was a little upset himself, considering Castiel was his little brother and his number one (okay maybe number two next to Sam and their baby) priority.

"He's just going to have to go through labor as long as it takes for the baby to figure out how to poof herself out of there. No one can touch her because of her grace acting as a shield, and she can't just come out his poop-chute. Since she's premature it might take her instincts a while to recognize that she needs to get herself out…and God says she probably wont feel that it's urgent until Castiel's body is trying its hardest to be rid of her. He's in for a long night Sammy…tell him to give in to his instincts and push as if he were having her the way a woman would, it might help." This actually was a little calming to Sam, now that he knew neither of them would be having things the size of watermelons coming out their asses.

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