Everything Is Going Right

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(Sam's vows came from here: www.tumblr.com/post/11149665482/vows-i-will-kill-the-spiders-i-wi ll-share-my it stuck me in my love button and I had to use it xD But Gabriel's vows were handwritten by me)

Another month passed and Annabel was now staying with Bobby and Crowley (who had moved into Bobby's place to help keep her safe) and Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, and Sam had found a good sized house for cheap in Lawrence, Kansas. The couples had decided to have a double wedding, which was a few hours from happening. Gabriel was currently in heaven begging God to let Crowley and Moose near the gates of heaven. God had offered to let the two couples marry in heaven, telling them he had a wedding present for them. However, two of the guests they had on their invite list weren't allowed in heaven. So Gabriel was trying to work out getting married right at the gate, so Moose and Crowley wouldn't actually be in heaven (that and he knew the gates of heaven kind of matched his dress). In the meantime he made Castiel promise to guard their outfits with his life since Dean and Sam both were trying to catch sneak peaks. Castiel had everything ready and perfect, both of their outfits were in white plastic bags on hangers and the rings he and Gabe were going to give their lovers were safe and secure in his pockets. If all went well between Gabriel and God, Cas and Gabe were going to get ready in heaven and then walk out the gates and down the aisle. As for Dean and Sam, they were already ready in their tuxedos. Castiel had made Dean get a light pink tie and Gabriel had made Sam get a creamsicle colored one, the two more feminine men insisting they matched. Dean and Castiel were laying on their new bed together waiting on Gabriel to get back. He was running his fingers through Cas's hair gently and Castiel was snuggled into his chest.

"I'm the luckiest angel to ever live." He whispered, making Dean's heart swell. He caressed his slightly larger baby bump and sighed.

"No, baby, I'm the lucky one. You've given me everything." Sam walked in looking dashing in his tuxedo an sat on the end of their bed. He looked around, admiring how his brother and soon to be brother-in-law had decorated their new bedroom. The walls were burgundy and there were several pictures hung, some of all four men, some of just Dean and Cas being cute, and quite a few ultrasound pictures they'd gotten done by a doctor they'd paid to keep his mouth shut. Sam grinned and then looked up, gazing at the Metallica poster Dean had taped up there on the ceiling.

"Yup, this is most definitely your room." Dean smirked.

"Damn right it is." Suddenly they heard a flutter of wings and looked to see Gabriel, grinning in a corner of the room.

"He said yes! Oh Cas, where is my outfit? Sammyboy hasn't seen it yet, right?" Castiel chuckled and nodded.

"It's with mine over there, Gabriel. And no, I protected it like you asked." He said as the pointed to his and Dean's wardrobe. Gabriel got them out and huddled everybody around, including Moose, zapping them to Bobby's house to pick everyone up. When they got there Bobby looked quite disturbed, trying to drown out the awful noises coming from the back bedroom with the TV. Castiel tilted his head to the side.

"What is going on?" Bobby looked distraught but relieved that everyone was finally here.

"I used to here some kinky noises coming from that room when you boys slept in it…but something about hearing those noises from a demon and an innocent young girl is considerably more disgusting." He choked out, looking at them with pleading eyes to make it stop. No less the ten seconds after he said that they heard a loud moan come from a female voice.

"Oh Crowley….yes right there!" Dean turned Bobby's TV off and got closer to the door.

"CROWLEY. GET YOUR FUGLY ASS OUT HERE….preferably dressed. Please." The noises abruptly stopped and they all heard hurried shuffling and cursing.

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