Ghost Sickness? Try Angel Sickness

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Gabriel had to think fast, sticking his hand into Sam's back pocket.

"Whoa, Gabe, now is so notthe time to rape me." Gabriel shot him an it-isn't-rape-if-you-enjoy it face and then grabbed a handful of spilled salt, throwing it at the apparition. The ghost made a terrible screeching noise and vanished into thin air. Sam sighed in relief and looked proudly over at his archangel.

"Damn Gabriel, I'm glad you thought of that." Gabriel shrugged, unable to hide the smug expression on his face.

"I knew you couldn't have grabbed an empty salt container before coming out here, Sammy. You're smarter than that. I figured it must've spilled." Moose calmed down a little and licked at Gabriel's hand in appreciation.

"Yeah, now he likes me." He chuckled, patting him on the head.

"You ready to head up to the next floor?" Sam's mouth dropped.

"And risk running into that fugly thing again? No thank you!" Gabriel rolled his eyes.

"Sam, we need to find Delores, we didn't come out here and leave Castiel sick for nothing, did we?" Sam grumbled incoherently and descended the moldy ready-to-cave staircase leading up to the fourth floor. It smelled a little less like deteriorating corpses up there and the pair seemed to visibly relax a little. They walked cautiously to the middle of the hallway but stopped as Sam fell to his knees. Gabriel kneeled beside him, knowing that look and that scream.

"A vision, Sammy? You get those too?" Gabriel rubbed his back gently as Sam continued to yell out for a few moments.

"Not like yours, Gabriel. You're an angel…you get visions and messages from heaven. I have terrible visions, visions of people dying and occasionally I see other people that Azazel had chosen as his children. Although when I killed him those seemed to stop…" The distracted and pensive look plastered on Sam's face told Gabriel everything he needed to know.

"But you just had one, didn't you. A flash of one of those people?" Sam nodded.

"I don't know why I didn't see it earlier Gabriel…it's De-" He was cut off by malicious laughter coming from the end of the narrow corridor.

"You wouldn't be talking about little old me, now would you?" Sam and Gabriel both looked up to see Delores standing right beside the ghost that had attacked them earlier. However they also knew that it wasn't just Delores, her eyes flashed black, a dead give away that she was possessed.

"Get out of her!" Sam growled, despising it when he saw demon's making innocent people into meat-suits.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Sammy. You see, I'm here to watch over Blondie and make sure she doesn't do anything reckless…like letting you and your celestial puppet over there help her with her little issue." She spat nastily, patting her med-section with an evil snarl. Gabriel's golden colored eyes darkened and he let out a low growl.

"The only person besides Dean allowed to call him Sammy is me!" Delores snorted and took a daring step forward.

"What is the big bad archangel going to do about it?" Sam protectively stepped in front of Gabriel.

"Leave him out of this. Tell me, what does Azazel have to do with her." Delores tilted her head to the side.

"And here I thought you were the smart one, Sam. Isn't it obvious? She's just like you." Sam sneered.

"That can't be true, all of them are dead besides me, he made us fight each other to the death!" Delores sighed and absentmindedly played with a strand of her hair, becoming bored of the Q & A.

"He saved the most special of them all for Lucifer, hid her away. How the hell do you think Azazel was so frigging powerful and hid from you and your meddlesome father for so long? Lucifer was repaying him for this gift." She said, gesturing to her body.

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