Bang The Doldrums

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The tomb stones were waiting

They were half engraved

They knew it was over

They just didn't know the date

Yet another month passed and things were going a little rockier than usual. They had tracked Delores to a town in Ohio, thanks to Annabel, but once they reached Cleveland, Dean started acting a little strange. Castiel was first to notice, after they'd stopped at a rest area for Dean to "squeeze his lemon" as he so delicately had put it, he'd seemed different when he got back into the car. It wasn't just the fact that he wasn't really acting like himself, it was that Castiel could no longer feel his grace and Dean suddenly had no desire to touch him. After about a week of this, Castiel ran in to Gabriel's arms sobbing while Dean and Sam were out.

"G-Gabriel…I don't know what I'm doing wrong! He hasn't felt the same to me, like our bond disappeared, and he's been the least affectionate that he's been since we met. I kiss him and he doesn't kiss back, he doesn't talk to Raini anymore…what if he decided that he doesn't love me? What if he cut out his grace to be human again because he doesn't want me and the baby anymore?" Gabriel shushed Castiel and pulled him in to a hug as best he could around his now larger baby bump.

"Aw, Cassie, don't say those things. He's your husband and he loves you more than anything. I haven't noticed him behaving any differently, are you sure it's not just your hormones?" Castiel shook his head.

"He's my mate, Gabriel. Believe me, I know that something is wrong. Think about how you'd feel if Sam suddenly didn't want to touch you anymore and you felt disconnected to his grace. Maybe…maybe he doesn't love me anymore because I'm fat." Castiel's eyes widened with the realization and it only made him cry harder. Gabriel sighed and tried to comfort him.

"Cas, you're my little brother, and if you're really that worried, I'll talk to him for you, okay?" Cas didn't answer but nodded, feeling a little better now that he'd had a nice cry. Gabriel hadn't expected it but he felt a kind of fury bubble up in his chest. He wasn't sure what was going on, but who the hell did Dean Winchester think he was making his little brother cry like that? Dean and Sam returned about noon with food and Sam pulled Gabriel aside. Gabriel smiled, studying Sam's midsection. He wasn't really showing, not much at all, but he was starting to get a little pudgy and Gabriel adored it. Sam noticed and rolled his eyes, cupping Gabriel's cheek and making him look him in the eyes.

"Gabriel, we need to talk, something's wrong with Dean." Gabriel huffed.

"Damn straight, he made Cas cry! Poor thing thinks Dean doesn't love him anymore because he's fat!" Sam's eyebrows furrowed.

"Well I could see why he thinks so…we get to the restaurant and he orders for me and him. Nothing for Cas whatsoever, when normally he orders double for Cas since he's pregnant." Gabriel's face heated up.

"I don't know what's wrong with your brother, Samuel Winchester but fix it before he ruins his marriage!" Sam sighed and nodded, sitting the food on the table and asking to speak with Dean privately. He looked over at his brother, watching him scoot away from Castiel, who was leaning in for a quick kiss. Dean nodded eagerly, sprinting towards Sam while Castiel curled up dejectedly on the couch. Sam's heart nearly broke and he grabbed Dean by the arm, jerking him to the side and telling Gabriel to go comfort Cas.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Dean? You're treating Castiel like shit, and just last week you were all protective and obsessed with making sure everything was prepared in the nursery. What the hell happened?" Dean shrugged.

"Not mine." Sam's eyebrows rose.

"What do you mean, not yours? You took Castiel's fucking virginity, that baby is 100% yours, it's even been proclaimed by God!" Dean's head tilted ever so slightly and an evil smirk curled on to his face.

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