Seaside Sanatorium

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The anger and disappointment in Dean's eyes made Bobby flinch. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly and stepped out of the doorway to make room.

"Uh…yah wanna come in?" Dean's jaw clinched. He said nothing, pushing passed Bobby in a bit of a hurry. He sat Castiel on the couch and dropped to his knees, cradling Castiel's cheek in his hand.

"How do you feel?" Dean was feeling sicker by the minute, hating the terrified look manifested in his angel's eyes.

"I'm s-so cold and I think m-my nose is running." Dean got Castiel some tissues right as Cas began a sneezing fit and then began to peel the wet clothes off of him.

"Whoa, your not strippin' him in here!" Dean threw a cold look over his shoulder that shut the older hunter up quickly and he began taking his own green jacket and black shirt off.

"Here, babe, mine are a lot less wet." He gently pulled his shirt over Castiel's head and wrapped the jacket around his shoulders to keep him warm.

"Thank…" Dean shushed him before he could finish his sentence, sitting down and then pulling Castiel into his lap. Dean wrapped his arms protectively around Castiel's still shivering body and Cas snuggled shamelessly into his hunter's bare chest. Bobby watched in awe, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

"Dean, please, explain this whole damn thing to me. What's goin' on?" Castiel let out a mousy little sneeze and tried to look at Bobby.

"I tried to tell you…" Dean pushed Castiel's head back down on his chest and shushed him again.

"It's okay, Cas, I'll explain, you rest." Bobby snorted.

"Dean, listen to yourself, you're treating him like a friggin' princess." Dean's head snapped in Bobby's direction and he practically hissed.

"He's mine Bobby, and the man carrying my child, so excuse me for being a little worried after you left him outside to freeze to death!" He spat, tightening his protective grip around Cas.

"Again with this baby stuff, when are yah gunna give it a rest?" Bobby looked at his wits end, frustrated tears glistening in his eyes.

"Do you really think we'd do that to you? I know you don't know Cas as well as I do, but he'd never lie to you about something like this. Hell, Cas is an angel, he rarely ever lies anyway. God gave us a baby, Bobby. One day it's supposed to go up against the little demonic ass-nugget Delores is having, which scares the hell outta me but whatever, I'll deal with that when we get there."
Dean said quietly, a certain fondness in his voice when he said the word baby. The intense look in Dean's eyes coupled with the way he was possessively stroking Castiel's lower torso made Bobby believe him.

"So I'm really…I'm really havin' a grandkid?" Dean's lips twitched up into a slight smile.

"Yeah, I guess you are." A small tear trickled down the side of Bobby's face.

"Stand up, Cas." Dean unconsciously slid Castiel closer to him and Bobby chuckled.

"Oh calm down, you over-protective jackass, I'm not gunna hurt 'em." Dean reluctantly let go of his angel and Castiel stood slowly. He looked at Dean for reassurance and Dean smiled, nodding in encouragement. Once he got within two feet of Bobby, he grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug.

"I'm sorry, kiddo. Welcome to the family." Castiel grinned, having now heard this from both Bobby and Sam.

"Thank you." Castiel seemed awfully warm to be shaking so bad so Bobby laid his hand briefly across his forehead.

"God, Feathers, you're burning up." He looked remorsefully at Dean.

"Sorry if I got 'em sick." He murmured sheepishly. Dean sighed and came to feel Castiel himself.

Supernatural: The Hunter and His Fallen Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن